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@creativecommons - I may be able to lend a hand! DM me for email
hah, that'd be the checkbox labelled 'wrap' then.
ffs, how on earth do i get word wrap working in Apple Numbers? lazyweb, any ideas?
@sticklebrick - I'm tempted! When I was younger and thinner I looked rather dashing in a frock...
@sticklebrick - My current plans involve Disco and Drag Acts at Cargo....
@zeroinfluencer - I know someone who might be perfect for that, he's not a twitterer though. Would email be acceptable?
@rarepleasures - hmm, i guess so - although both if..then and && preserve the usual left to right evaluation order (unlike unless) which ......
@rarepleasures - how about 'foo.baz && foo.baz.some_method' ? the semantics are the same, but the syntax is a bit more declarative and c ......
wtf - and i can only compile from source on OSX using a proprietary Lisp IDE? Freedom Fail!
dear IRCAM - chargling €500 for a pre-compiled binary of your free software product is rather contrary to the spirit if not the letter o ......
heh - anyone else had a reply from @magic8bot after a tweet that starts with 'am i'?
we're hiring again! this time for a client-side person: http://mediaserviceprovider...
Am I a total skinflint for thinking £35 is extortionate for a night out on NYE (that's jsut the ticket)?
at #parisonrails - any of you other rosbeefs on rails here? :-)
Going home! Then shortly after, to Paris!
London Ruby people - anyone going to Paris On Rails?
Fucking hell, got my eeepc trackpad working properly with synaptics in ubuntu, at last. Now to deal with the microphone
@Suw, can you check if your database tables and connction are using utf8 too?
trying to write a composable client-side-rendered layout framework in js, with statically built haml and sass wizardry. Probably overkill.


danah boyd Ian Forrester Chris Adams David Stone Avi Bryant paula Tom Damien Tanner Tom Reynolds Miles Metcalfe James Adam Danny Tom Suw Dan Webb zeroinfluencer Matt Lee Jon Phillips James Felix Cohen Tom Ward Chris Waigl lo fi Mark Levitt Rob Myers Jonathan Roberts elizabeth stark fred benenson Murray Steele why the lucky stiff Pete Smith Owen Blacker geekdinners Anthony Green Liberal Democrats Jamis Buck