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hanging in panama with my brother, paul, ron, and the crew. headed to play a gig in a minute
about to install WotLK in the hotel lobby while we wait for the van.
san jose is pretty rainy, looking forward to getting back home, hoping there are no more inundaciones.
what the hell am i doing up so late? time for bed.
thinking electricity transmission companies:2008 :: oil companies:2000
time to sit under the palms for a while...
ok that didn't work, just nuked the twitter application entirely.
edit apps/twitter/ Prompt me before publishing any stories from Twitter. a lot of FB friends ask me things like "what is a twitter?"
can't remember how i hooked up facebook status to echo my tweets, but thinking i might want to unlink them. they are two different things.
weather is perfect, going to the beach for the day. plz have some good news for me when i get back.
if obama does *not* win, i am applying for permanent residency in CR immediately. just so you know.
could someone please write-in vote sarah palin for president for me? i'm in costa rica and can't do it myself kthxbai.
the power keeps cutting in and out in cocles. a steady hard rain is falling.
guy just stopped by selling "genuine" indigenous artifacts. now, i need to get out there and chop the yard.
stepped on something a couple hours ago that returned the favor with a stinger in my big toe. currently swollen.
getting ready to ride my bike to punta uva for the pig roast luau. schizophrenic weather causing wardrobe dilemma: swim trunks or raincoat?
latina wedding dress. um yeah, it was here and someone had to rock it. going to play the gig in it tonight. this one's for you kurt.
if this keeps up, the ginormous banana plant near the house is going to come crashing down in the middle of the night.
rainstorms, in a rain forest, should possibly be called DOWNPOURS or something stronger. torrential.