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Back to using Tweetdeck. Great AIR app..
Google Zeitgeist 2008 is out -
Man, Songbird is seriously cool.
@Hicksdesign Will you be reviewing the new display?
@claudia10 Excuse to get more clothes. (=
@ngmoco Checking out Dropship. Where's Rolando?
@gamerz That movie didn't work for me.
Yay, Wordpress 2.7 is out!
I'm enlisting on 12 Dec. No life for many many weeks..
Checking out Songbird. It's pretty cool..
It sucks not having your own computer.
Great weather on a public holiday.
New blog post: Weekly Twitter Updates
New blog post: Malacca Trip
@meteorash nick and norah's infinite playlist
New blog post: Smoog - iPhone WinterBoard Theme
Caught Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. Loved the soundtrack!
I want some Gmail stickers -