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Having parma ravioli for lunch
Im back, pretty busy week with lots of meetings, today gonna upload some photos and videos to Ovi
Eating some burgers after Watching The Whooper Virgins
At the yahoo party
Busy day, not much time to twitt.
Uploaded new Sports Track workout, kind of :)
Actualy I am having Açaí with Cupuaçu cream
Eating Açaí for lunch, delicious!
@hwakelam was easy actualy, you just need to figure out the settings for the Internet connection, after that, is pretty simple.
Sports track updated.
Installed the latest software update with update over the air, went pretty smooth. Now running v12.043
Excelent food, lamb with mushrooms and mandioquinha cream
Having dinner at Le Coq Hardy restaurant in Sao Paulo
Just did a 'sports track' track for the first time, now lets see how to publish it
Cuscuz Paulista for Lunch, hummm
Actualy I just uploaded photos from yesterday's Python meeting
At the airport, picking up parents-in-law
Ok, Oi gprs is not working, need to try the others.
At the python developers meeting, ppl talking Python 3 release
Today Wagon! is hosting the python group meeting. Will take some photos for sure


Darla Mack Bernardo Philip Campbell Deirdre Lloyd Davis technokitten charlie schick Jenifer Hanen Baxter Tocher Roland Tanglao jeff Glenn the GISuser Kat Ben Walker Farhan Rehman Matt Buchanan Harriet Wakelam henriquemartin Ben Lampe acarlos1000 Fellow™ Steve Lawson josephcorreia John Markow Benjamin Ellis Mike O'Brien Surya Liz Gilbert operadorx Simon Little Janne Jalkanen Richard Mackney gjkooijman RenegadeFanboy(Amby) AideenMcGrath alexcalva