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Sitting on a couch that smells like barf at 4:30 in the morning.
Talking about OpenSocial docs one minute, cleaning up a five-year-old's projectile vomit the next. Working from home!
@PJZ are you kidding me re: Suri? Your life is becoming more absurd every day.
"Ben 10" and coffee.
@drewdomkus Product Marketing. So Product-y and Marketing-y type stuff. Happy to help however we can.
@irinaslutsky dm me the best email and I'll hook you up with Laura :)
@masters212 it's like when Kenobi blindfolds Luke. Trust your senses.
@drewdomkus hot! Lemme know if you need any help from Ning. We can promo that badboy when ready.
@masters212 sounds like iPhone 3G time to me.
Watching an IRC room.
@afishwick how dare you dabble on my freeways and not hit me up.
Long night involving a 1am emergency room trip. All's fine, and "Shrek the Halls" is generally holding attention.
"Air Bud" + frozen pizza = Saturday night magic!
Preparing for a "James and the Giant Peach" screening.
@boxee oops, I mean a Mac mini.
@boxee any idea why Netflix (or other new goodies) don't appear after installing the new update on an AppleTV?
Crashing after a screencastastic day. Eyes hurt.
The Bob Hope Airport would like to remind you that unattended vehicles WILL be towed at the owner's expense.
Just saw someone at the airport who can only be described as Glenn Close dressed as a man and then dressed in drag on top of that.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason wil wheaton Xeni Jardin May Woo om Nick Douglas Brian Oberkirch Sarah Ford Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Stewart Butterfield Caterina Mike Rowehl Steve Woolf Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Meg Hourihan Bre Pettis Yoz Paul Lloyd John Robert Scoble irina slutsky Matt Herzberger athena Jonathan Aquino Kent AG Peter Zielinski John Gruber
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