What's New With EDIS E-Filing?

version 1.2.1    [2008/07/23]

EDIS E-Filing was upgraded on July 23, 2008 to implement changes in coordination with the release of the new EDIS Coding Manual. The EDIS software was modified to accommodate changing the name of the area of interest "General Factfinding" to "Industry and Economic Analysis". In addition, many document types were modified, added or removed to support better coding of documents. Please see the EDIS Coding Manual for specifics on these changes. Other changes include, modifying the capability to electronically file questionnaires to accommodate several new document types supporting questionnaires and updating the distribution of specific document types to different quality control queues (i.e., Import Injury document types to the OINV Queue). The new EDIS Coding Manual has also been made available on the EDIS Help page.

version 1.2.0    [2008/02/25]

EDIS E-Filing was upgraded on Feb 25, 2008 to implement an enhancement supporting electronic submission of Import Injury questionnaire responses. External registered users may login to EDIS and upload Confidential electronic questionnaires in MS Word format. This document is saved for the investigator's review and the system converts it to PDF format for processing into EDIS.

version 1.1.14    [2008/01/10]

EDIS E-Filing was upgraded on Jan 10, 2008 to correct several issues. The Document Date on E-Filing and Coversheet creation was changed to require internal users to set the Document Date between 1/1/1900 between and the current date. The Daily Filing Report was changed to indicate if a document has not yet been approved, to restrict viewing of Privileged metadata, and not to display metadata to external users on non-approved documents. Security enhancements were also made on the application.

version 1.1.13    [2008/01/03]

Application upgrades were made to improve logging of transactions for SearchApp.

version 1.1.9    [2007/05/09]

EDIS E-Filing was upgraded on May 9, 2007 to implement changes which control the distribution of documents to designated queues for review by internal USITC staff and which improve management of distribution lists for email notices sent by the system. This release does not include any changes to functionality available to general users.

version 1.1.8    [2007/03/07]

EDIS E-Filing and public Search were upgraded on March 7, 2007 to implement patches necessary to accommodate changes to the beginning and ending of Daylight Savings Time. In addition, the upgrade included a fix for a problem running the Service List application.

version 1.1.7    [2006/07/24]

EDIS E-Filing was upgraded to version 1.1.7 on July 24, 2006 with the following changes:

  1. Prevented the internal RSS notification service from sending notifications on submission of Privileged documents.
  2. Required a valid date be provided in the Document Date field to correct a problem found with internal users clearing the field.
  3. Corrected a problem with the refresh on the Find Investigation window when the investigation title or investigation number was modified in EDIS.
  4. User Guide updated to reflect updates.

Search Application [07/24/2006] (coincides with EDIS E-File Release 1.1.7)

The EDIS Public Search Application was also updated with the following enhancements and bug fixes in the July 24, 2006 release:

  1. Improved dropdown list contents. - The Firm / Organization dropdown list will now be updated in near real-time with any Firm / Organization changes entered into EDIS. Changes in the Document Type dropdown list will be updated periodically based on the document data in EDIS.
  2. Allowed exact match when searching on document type. - When filtering on a document type, the user will have the option to filter based on an exact match of the document type or a .contains. match, meaning all document types containing the text string will be returned in the results.
  3. Corrected problem clearing the search form contents. - When using either the Search for Investigations, Search by Date Filed or Power Search options, a problem with the Clear button has been fixed to properly remove all data from the form.
  4. Provided a tabular format for displaying search results. - The user will have the option to display the search results in either a tabular or paragraph style format. The user can switch between the formats at any time when viewing the results. The user can also sort the tabular display by the Document ID, Investigation Number or Official Date Filed attributes in either ascending or descending order.

Note: The entire EDIS system was upgraded on July 15, 2006 to use Oracle 9i as its database management system.

version 1.1.6    [2006/06/08]

EDIS E-Filing has been upgraded to version 1.1.6 on June 8, 2006 to correct a problem with missing document notifications from the RSS Document Notification feed. The subject line of a notification has been changed to include the investigation number, document ID number and document type. The document title is no longer included in the subject line. This upgrade also fixes a problem with duplicate notifications sent when the document title is modified by Dockets. This change only affects internal USITC users.

version 1.1.5    [2006/06/01]

EDIS E-Filing was upgraded to version 1.1.5 on June 1, 2006 to correct a problem with the Daily Filing Report and to correct a problem with document types.

Details of the changes are below:

  1. The Daily Filing Report has been corrected. On the Daily Filing Report, if the user entered an Investigation Number on the Daily Filing Report Filing Information screen, Investigation Number parameter, the report is displayed. However, if the user selected Download PDF Report, the report options generated an error. This has now been corrected to allow the user to create the report.
  2. The problem on document types was due to trailing blanks on the document types that are being used on dropdown lists. The database has been corrected, and code has been added to remove trailing blanks before storing document types in the database.

version 1.1.4    [2006/05/16]

On user registration, EDIS E-Filing was upgraded to fix a problem with accepting apostrophes in email addresses.

version 1.1.3    [2006/05/11]

EDIS E-Filing was upgraded to version 1.1.3 on May 11, 2006 to turn off access to EDIS (Legacy) for external users, and to upgrade the product for some user-requested enhancements.

The following features have been added or modified in the 1.1.3 release. The type of users (i.e., internal or external) for which these changes are applicable have also been identified.

  1. Removal of access to EDIS (Legacy) – external
  2. Filing – submitter fields (e.g., Filed By field) have been made editable – internal
  3. Non-allowable characters on submission – internal and external
  4. PDF Validation of Type 0 and Type 3 fonts removed – internal and external
  5. Process guide for printing correct Cover Sheet page – internal and external
  6. Subscription Service (RSS) – internal
  7. Password Expiration Notices – internal and external
  8. Email Notice Distribution – internal and external
  9. Public Search Application – internal and external

Details of the changes are below:

  1. EDIS Legacy:
    The EDIS (Legacy) menu option on the USITC Secretary page has been removed for external users. External users will no longer be able to use EDIS (Legacy). Please use EDIS E-Filing and Public Search. You will need to register first if you do not have an EDIS account. If you have Favorites or Shortcuts pointing to EDIS (Legacy) directly, you may need to update these links. Internal USITC users should continue to use EDIS (Legacy) for confidential document searches, but are encouraged to use EDIS E-Filing for document submission. Internal users may access EDIS (Legacy) from the EDIS E-Filing and Public Search main menu. Various other wording / notice changes related to this release have been made.
  2. Filing – editable fields:
    Internal users can now modify the Filed By and Firm / Organization fields if submitting on behalf of someone else (such as when submitting questionnaires). Please enter the Filed By name to match the full name of the signature on the document, using proper capitalization. Please select the .Find Firm. button to select the Firm so that the firm name is spelled and capitalized correctly. If the firm is not found in the list, then type in the firm name using title case (uppercase first letters). Remember that the email notifications will go to the mailbox of the logged-in user and not to the name of the person on the Filed By field.
  3. Special / control / non-displayable characters:
    Users will not be allowed to submit control or non-displayable characters or special characters not on the standard keyboard in any text fields on the document submission and cover sheet pages. Only the standard keyboard character set can be used. This rule also includes the filename when a PDF is attached.
  4. Acrobat Document Validation:
    PDF validation has been relaxed to accept Type 0 Unicode fonts and Type 3 fonts. These validations were too restrictive and difficult for the user to locate and correct, and caused delays in submissions. Even though these fonts are now accepted, the text of the documents should be generated using true type fonts, which can be read and printed properly.
  5. Printing the Cover Sheet:
    Some users have been printing the EDIS Document Submission Confirmation for Hardcopy Filings page instead of the next page, the EDIS Cover Sheet for Hard Copy Submission. The document information has not been saved in EDIS if you do not proceed to the third page by selecting the 'Accept Information' button at the bottom of the Confirmation page. We have added a progress guide to the top of the page to indicate the Step you are on. On Step 2, you MUST scroll down as you verify the information for the document submission and click the 'Accept Information' button to proceed to the correct cover sheet page.
  6. Subscription Service:
    Internal users may set up an RSS feed to be notified when a document enters EDIS. Some enhancements have been made in the content and formatting of the notices. In the RSS Generator, the Investigation Phase is now provided to allow users to distinguish between different phases of the investigation. Users needing to identify a specific investigation phase should run the RSS Generator and create a new feed for the investigation number and phase. The old RSS feed for the investigation can be deleted.
  7. Password Expiration Notices:
    The email notice for password expiration has been clarified to indicate the user must login to EDIS to change their password.
  8. Email Notices:
    EDIS administrative users are being copied on email notices sent to users in order to provide better help desk assistance. For users submitting comments via links on the web pages, the EDIS administrative users contained on the distribution list are being notified. Issues related to system email rejections have been corrected.
  9. Public Search Application:
    The dropdown lists for Document Type and Firm / Organization have been refreshed.

If you have any questions or issues in utilizing the new EDIS E-Filing system, please consult the EDIS E-Filing Help page for documentation and contact links and/or contact the Help Desk at (202) 205-3347(EDIS).