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this afternoon yoga session was really pushing me to the limit!! ⁂ Oh my legs...
I just watched Drupadi.. and as usual the actings are too strong...that we know that the actors/actress are doing acting!! :-)))
I saw some weirdness this evening, but too lazy to write it up other than this!
testing Google Friend Connect on by blog
I think alpaca has a gorgeous face, but at the same time it looks annoying ⁂
I ❤ hellotxt emoticons ☃ ҉ ⁂ ✂
Hope everything will get better...Mom's back home from the hospital. Thank God!
love the piano sound on gives tranquil feeling ҉ and when the 'swap words' is hit, it makes zen sound ҉ try it!!
will sleep at hospital tonight to watch over my Mom ❤
Can't find even just one funny thing that I've seen today
tough day...need God's assistance!! ✓
҉ Namasté ҉
my Akoha invite's sat since 4 Sept in my inbox! I'm so absent-minded! Now waiting for Akoha deck to arrive by post..curious..excited mode
watch out gmail is guarded by ninjas now...I'm settled with this theme!! :D
Gmail has new look!! lots of themes now ... let me try the
☁☁sleepy clouds are in my head☁☁
tonight...I'll try again to start reading The Face of Another!
rain, without singing toads is actually dull.....but aren't toads singing after the rain..not when is raining? *trying to remember..
s☮ many nice things t☮ see and read fr☮m my 'soup.i☮' circle
early twitter log: 7.25 am! Saturday is on


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