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@fpettit reminds me of my audiophile father who has pure copper cables with gold plugs on his audiolab music system.
@andrewbadera I think we added each other after I wrote about gtd tools and methodology on friendfeed some time ago
@amazingamanda we will be singing abba singstar in a talentless manner around our Christmas tree :)
Guess who had no idea that syncing his friendfeed and twitter friend lists would result in lots more twitter followers :) hi everybody!
Facing a two hour journey home squashed into 1ft square corner of train - boy am I not going to miss this
Looking forward to Christmas - our first with the three little girls we adopted earlier this year. It's going to be a great Christmas :)
It just took an entire packet of tissues to clear my nose twice... This f*cking cold is getting me down now :(
Just saw the train ticket collector spending the passengers money on chocolate from a macine at the station -too funny :)
Just tried to take a photo of my train arriving with the iPhone - it took 7 seconds to open the camera app - missed the damn photo :(
On our way to second of our girls three nativity plays - then I have the slog into London
Who knew that upping my readership on Twitter would also cause an order of magnitude more spammers to request me as a friend
Waiting for the train to leave London and take me home. Looking forward to seeing my family and a hot dinner
I have no train ticket now - the fat lazy ticket seller sat in the end of the train and then only sold about five tickets :(
On the train towards London - with a bad cold and everybody around me coughing their lungs up - doped up to my eyeballs
@SarahInMI I would love the opportunity to be lazy. Unfortunately the wheels would fall off our wagon if I was :(
The shoe throwing attack on President Bush is generating some of the funniest reporting in years -
Congratulations to Chris Hoy for winning BBC Sports Personality of the Year - 3 golds in Beijing gets recognised at last!
@theother66 you can import note items into Facebook directly as an RSS feed. Its in the note section of facebook.
@h0neyb Gremlins was made before you were born? Oh crap that makes me feel ancient lol
Who knew that following more people on Twitter would lead to all manner of entertaining, random and idiotically brilliant conversations?


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Gavin paul rollo Mr Messina Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Jonathan Greene Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Justine brian cors Alex Rudloff Veronica Belmont Bradley Horowitz Robert Scoble loose|wire Lunesse neville Hugh MacLeod Stefan Hayden vrypan Jeremiah Jeremy Zawodny Thomas Hawk The 13th Apostol Nicole Simon Cali Kevin Rose Leah Culver John Samuelson Sarah Perez Steve Rubel Evi Christodoulou hotdogsladies
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