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Omg 10 yr old girls band rocking out at girls rock Philly craft show!! So cute!!
Wow almost just got kicked out of the liquor store cause they didn't believe I was old enough
Ah lunch makes me feel better. So does working with the knuckleheads @indyhall.
cupcakes are doneeee. should probably go to bed. hmm.
@michaelmc thanks! actually those are my favorite kind to make. Call them my Irish Carbomb cupcakes because I use Guinness and Baileys :)
WOW @alertmybanjos brought ME cupcakes today!! From Cupcake Gourmet. This is the awesome :)
damp, very very damp
Want to go home and play with my kitten.
Kitten is 3 blocks away!!!
i'm about to make everyone @indyhall jealous with the soup awesomeness i will be consuming thanks to @JVictor
@JVictor yes it does! Happy giraffes :)
Large hot chocolate + whipped cream + one candy cane = goodness
is it really only tuesday?
Eek! Crazy to hear about a mugging less than a block away from my place
Keeping myself distracted.
Kitten tomorrow!
Watching the Disney version of Robin Hood. Lifting the spirits. Oodelolly
Sad task to accomplish today.
@chittabeep doin' alright today, lovely. hope all is well over there!
Siiiiiick nightmare before Christmas cover!!!!


Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Geoff DiMasi Alex Hillman drew olanoff Chris Nagele Bre Pettis Joe Cairns Kimberly Blessing Nate Westheimer Mark Schoneveld PhilaFoodie roz duffy marcus nelson AJ Vaynerchuk Bart Mroz Ariel Waldman Celly Johnny Justin Gaynor National Mechanics Johnny Bilotta Randy Schmidt Jason Tremblay Marisa McClellan Photojojo Tony Bacigalupo Jesse Middleton Gwen Bell Julie Regina Gary Vaynerchuk Kendall Schoenrock Jon Bettcher Ed Taylor David Speers Ilya Sabanin