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@KeatonTech yeah, I think they did something similar in Star Trek: Voyager once. I used to have a Symbian phone, Nokia 9300i
@KeatonTech could just be their name for it? Shows use real names with no good cause. Symbian is more smartphones, FYI
@jsnell now that's a good idea Jason
@jsnell you tried hotspotshield to use iPlayer?
@jsnell if you're that desperate Jason I'll give you my slingbox details
oops I mean more not me, hmm couldn't agree me, can we still hang people? Jeremy Kyle execution live on ITV1 - great
@justingbyrne thanks, lol, my tweets aren't much better to be honest
@justingbyrne you mean throat, it's a lot better thanks
well that's good, my passport doesn't run out until 2013, thought it was next year and was panicking
ok I'm not going to do a @justingbyrne and @ all my US friends, but to all of you guys inthe US, Happy Thanksgiving, have a great day
@LiamCF Password management tool for the mac, very cool
OK, 1PassWord licenses are gone, hope the guys who got them enjoy
ok I have two more 1Password licenses I can give away, first 2 people under 18 (as @beiju says that's credit card age) who DM will get them
@davidshortle dial it up, some great McKay moments in this one
@davidshortle was great to have you on David, thanks
@KeatonTech yeah and it has the XP interface, very clever these people now
Did I mention I got a new mouse today, Logitech VX Revolution, very nice
@twitter when are we going to get a UK text service back???


Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Veronica  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Ryan Carson Victor Cajiao Gillian Carson John Gruber Tim Hohm Robbie Trencheny Nick Starr Matt Pippen Judson Collier Don McAllister Jay Oatway Tris Hussey Paul Walsh Kevin Rose John So1iman Rick Yaeger  Mark Sheppard Michael Ben McRedmond Dave Curlee Jonathan Davies Chris Christensen Aaron Dyer Chris Thomson Keaton Brant Nik Michael Yurechko Peter Goodhall hotdogsladies
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