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Stills shoot tomorrow. I'll use the borrowed 5D Mark II as part of my well-considered "grow dependent on it" program.
Ads on Amazon? For non-Amazon products? WTF? I'm here to spend money here, fools. I don't know exactly why, but this feels way wrong.
@wingrove Of how much use can XLR inputs be without manual control of the camera's recording levels?
@flowseeker Game on. Bluebottle has that mini-cap thing too, they call it a "Gibralter" at the Hayes location.
@flowseeker True, the coffee, but not the espresso. Lots of places in the east bay serving Bluebottle too.
@davidstripinis If you're ever in Santa Monica, try Café Luxxe. 925 Montana Ave.
@davidstripinis True, it must seem luxurious to y'all in LA. It's Intelligentsia or nothing for you AFAIK. Oh and one place in Santa Monica.
@tobiaslind I wish. In San Francisco, known the world over for its cuisine, we have exactly three places that focus on making great coffee.
@tobiaslind I think because if your grind or tamp is off you can make a huge mess. :) It's definitely high wire without a net.
@gint12b The only way to convert 30p to 24 is either using optical flow or dropping every 4th frame. Neither fixes slow shutter look.
@gint12b You can do a pretty decent 60i to 24p conversion in AE (using Magic Bullet, or that technique), but not 30p to 24.
@tobiaslind That's what you concluded from reading that article? I would call that a very good overview of the reasons to use a chopped pf.
@wingrove Vimeo is helping the cinematic look of these 5D vids by forcing them to 24p, even if it's a bad (skip frames) conversion.
@xenijardin No, because a macchiato is a shot of espresso with a dollop of foam. A "tall" macchiato is a latté. #coffeenerd
Fourbarrel coffee in SF uses chopped portafilters. The idea is that you'd see if there was anything wrong with your espresso shot. Showoffs.
@someofmywork Tell him I know someone who will offer a 5DmkII body to the first hacker who achieves manual control.
@davidstripinis Yeah, they said "teen smoking" and I naturally assumed we'd be taking a "pro" stance...
@themangler We did, and everyone we worked with at both the Agency and the state of AZ was super cool. Can't wait to show y'all the spots!
@micahstephens Nope, not sure about their plans to launch the (very cool) web site, but I will let y'all know when the spots are online.
My Arizona anti-smoking ads are being held from airing. Lame.


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