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inbox: 2
@sorenmacbeth Yup. Too heavy to lug around.
@MariaPerotti Peppermint Mocha. We stock up at the end of the year, which is when it's available. Usually burn through it by end of Jan.
Watching @tonykatz sing Christmas songs (quietly) in Starbucks.
performing brain plumbing
Fascinating. People are calling in to @tonykatz radio show.
The wind is so strong today that it is shaking the house. It's like a small earthquake.
My Yahoo experiment is going well. I'm at least as productive, poss more so. Search is key, and is on par with Google, so far. Mobile rocks!
@stoweboyd We'll bail 'em out. You, me, the children, their children...
@bre Grind an ad yet? :-) DM me for info on putting AdGrinder on your site.
How can an *entire* svn repository disappear!?!?!?
@jenciTN Any Congressmen or Senators who voted for the bailout and against their constituents voice deserves to be recalled. Boxer is one.
@jenciTN Why wait until 2010? Recall her NOW!
@Bloggeries Tough to say about wedding logic, other than you only get one wedding. You may never get a house, or may get many.
Somehow I missed the news that Apple plans to sell iPhones in WalMart. I wonder if the $99 price is accurate. It sure would help adoption.
@gregorwen Better yet...maglev.
@gregorwen Too late. We have a train in So. Cal. that goes straight to it. Maybe you can one-up with a bullet train?
@Ohdoctah Phenomenal. You?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Rael Dornfest danah boyd Mary Hodder Joshua Kinberg Mr Messina Vinu Jackson West Christine Herron Elmo Chaitanya Sagar Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Brian Conley Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Michael Bailey Becky McCray Doug Haslam Jim Long Zadi Diaz Philip Campbell Susan Dina Bre Pettis ian kennedy tagami Mickipedia Sandy Eddie Codel Robert Scoble irina slutsky sizemore
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