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@jpippert Too true! Make mama happy or all will suffer! Mwahaha. Such power! Actually, today has been so good I will save the whine.
Pondering how to convince my family they want me to curl up with a good book while they wait on me hand & foot.
@Busymom I am glad my name is not Rumple T. Fugly. I mean, really. T? I am so not a T person.
@pennylane14 You are so kind! I heart Weber Dallas. Might have to come every single day for coffee and donuts.
@ParentopiaDevra I lost my mind years ago. How do you still have yours?
@oldsillybear Don't feel badly for Bratz. They can go back to their respective street corners to get more work.
@dallasprguy Totally mutual. You all ROCK! Thank you for listening, asking & teaching me a thing or two. When do we get to do it again?
@dallasprguy At least I did not slap your hand and say "NO! Bad!" ;-) @busymom (But I did tell him NO!)
Off to the school to volunteer. Wearing my "I heart the PTA" shirt. (If you know me, you know the irony & humor behind that.)
@HeadlessMom There is only one solution. Toffee coffee and come to a meeting where we enjoy our issues. And "offees"
@wowgrrl Your blog has saved my WoW butt more times than you know. Though WoW has kicked my butt more times than I will admit.
@SusanW It means you rock! It takes mad skillz to get there first.
@HeadlessMom Well, you could be like @busymom and eaten all the toffee with your coffee. I'm just sayin'
@holyschmidt Watch out for BusyMom. She is a bad influence. But she can sing a mean Oklahoma song for you if you need it.
@Busymom Yeah, after you admit you have a problem, you can just enjoy it.
@Busymom It must be the "offee" factor because we all know you have a coffee disorder as well. Welcome to "offee-anon"
@mammaloves That's the reason mine are so happy. I see tweezers & vomit a bit in my mouth. They can go to town on gray. Don't care. No pain.
@mammaloves I read your tweet to say "My eyebrows...are so not happy." Thought, there is a new one. My eyebrows are at least content.
My head? I think it is going to explode. They have cures for that, right?
@TrendTracker The crowd from Plano? They must be hiding from me. ;-)


danah boyd Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Paul Terry Walhus (jeff)isageek Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Zoot Justine   christine Frank Gilroy Chris Brogan julien Leslie Madsen-Brooks Whitney Hoffman Bill Palmer Beth Kanter Becky McCray Elisa Camahort Glennia Meg Jim Long kate marianne richmond SMITH Magazine  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Marc Orchant Douglas Karr Allison Bill Humphries Liz Henry giovanni Nancy White Natalie Busy Mom
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