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I've been using the "Silver Lining" theme on gmail for the past couple days. Seems to be working ok.
Thinking about cooking up some Philly cheesesteaks. Yup. That's the plan. areas that are traditionally resistant to change. It's pretty exciting to think about.
Think about what social media did for the Obama campaign. The word is getting out. I'm starting to see radical new approaches proposed
Prediction: 2009 is going to be all about transparency + convergence across socnets. Social media goes mainstream and into the enterprise.
Steelers WIN!
Touchdown steelers!!!
Watching Steelers game at Teddy's off Roosevelt.
More dividing Rose Bubble Anemones in my #reeftank today. There must be 50-75 of them now. Maybe more.
Holy crap. Just saw video footage on CBS News of Iraqi journalist throwing shoes at Bush. Redefines duck & cover! OMGZ!
Just received rental app + deposit for 2BR apartment that's been open since early November. Now I can focus on the Steelers game later 2day.
It's snowing in Eastlake! #Seattle
Local weather report predicting extended period of below freezing weather. Doing what I can to prevent frozen pipes
Looks like I might have just rented the 2BR apt I've had open since November. Meeting with prospective tenants tomorrow am to take app + dep
L: Ballard
Reef tank maintenance. 25 gal water change. Going fishing for Damsels. #reeftank
Winter weather coming to PacNW tomorrow. Finally some snow for the mountains! Can't wait to go skiing. [KING5 weather]
Did I mention that my day started with a 6:30am conference call? *yawns*
Getting back into a coding groove. Trying our some new Google API stuff. I think I'm going to stop watching the news for a while.
Wow. This is pretty disconcerting. "8 really, really scary predictions." [CNN/Fortune]


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton om Dave McClure Ken Mr Messina Scott Beale Dan Patterson Dave Morin Dave Winer brady forrest Justine eric L Alex Hillman Kyle Mulka Frank Gilroy Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan drew olanoff Brian Conley Beth Kanter Jim Long Pat Jeremy Keith Beth Ryan Stewart Brian Solis Tantek Çelik Gregarious Mark Bao
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