Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Ninth District, IL

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E-Newsletter from U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)

The full text of my Radio Address will be available on my webpage at 10:06 am CDT.

July 16, 2004

Dear Friend,            

This Saturday, July 17, I will be delivering the Democratic Radio Address on Medicare.   

WHEN:           Saturday, July 17, 2004 - 10:06 a.m. CDT (11:06 a.m. EDT)


WHERE:        Major radio networks, including AP, ABC, NPR, CBS Radio, CNN Radio, C-SPAN, Armed Forces Radio Network, American Urban Radio Network, Voice of America Radio Network, BBC Radio, CBC Radio, and Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

I will be discussing the legislative campaign by House Democrats to begin to repeal and replace the Republican drug law that will do nothing to lower drug prices for seniors and persons with disabilities. 

I will be talking about a bill I introduced with my Democratic colleagues, H.R. 3767, the Medicare Prescription Drug Savings and Choice Act of 2004, that would deliver affordable prescription drugs to seniors and persons with disabilities.  (Learn More)

H.R. 3767 would:

·        Create a voluntary drug benefit under Medicare.

·        Require Medicare to use its bulk-buying power to negotiate lower drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.

·        Require Medicare to pass along the savings to seniors and persons with disabilities.