Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Ninth District, IL

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E-Newsletter from U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)

 December 1, 2004

Dear Friend,

Last week, I joined Illinois Public Interest Research Group (IL PIRG) in releasing the 2004 "Trouble in Toyland" report, a yearly study that arms parents with the information they need to help ensure that unsafe and deadly toys never make it into their children's hands.  PIRG's previous 18 reports have resulted in more than 120 corrective actions by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and toy manufacturers.

► Read my November 23 Press Release

► Read the PIRG report: "Trouble in Toyland"

► Chicago Sun-Times Article: Illinois Group Warns Parents of Potentially Dangerous Toys (11/24/2004)

 We must change current law so the CPSC requires mandatory testing and minimum federal safety standards on toys and such items as baby carriers, cradles, play pens, high chairs. That is why strengthening current product safety regulations and imposing stricter federal protections and mandatory testing of children's products is one of my top priorities.

► H.R. 2911 - Infant and Toddler Durable Products Safety Act

As the top Democrat on the Consumer Protection Subcommittee, I pushed for a hearing on unsafe products and whether current safety standards for children's products were enough.  The hearing was held in October and it confirmed what all of us have been saying all along:  We are not as safe until the CPSC becomes an agency with the authority, funding and mandate that puts the interests of consumers ahead of corporate profits.  We must change the culture of the Consumer Product Safety Commission so that the interests of consumers ahead of corporate profits.

  Washington Post article: Critics Doubt Safety Chief's Priorities; Agency Chairman Called Soft on Manufacturers

► Sun-Times article: Area Moms at Congressional Hearing on Child Safety

In the next few weeks, millions of children will be receiving countless toys and gifts.  But before you make a purchase this Holiday season for your children, grandchildren or young relatives, it is critical that you have access to information to ensure that the products you buy are safe. 

Toy and Child Product Safety Information