Congresswoman Jan Schakoswky, Representing the 9th District of Illinois

MARCH 14, 2000


WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) issued the following statement in support of the H Res. 431, humanitarian aid to Mozambique.  The House of Representatives adopted the Resolution.

"Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H Res. 431, a resolution expressing support for humanitarian assistance to the Republic of Mozambique.  I am proud to join my colleague, the gentleman from New York and other members in expressing concern for the people of Mozambique and commending those who are providing assistance to Mozambique during this difficult time.  I also want to thank my African and Caribbean Task Force in the 9th Congressional District of Illinois for underscoring for me the importance of this aid and the United States' support for other international development and debt relief initiatives.  

"On February 9 of this year, several Southern African nations including Mozambique, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe began to experience serious flooding as a result of heavy rainfall.  Mozambique experienced the most severe consequences.  On February 22, Tropical Cyclone Eline blew into Mozambique.  The Cyclone worsened an already critical situation.

"Mozambique is now facing a severe humanitarian and economic crisis.  Water supplies are in jeopardy, thousands of Mozambicans are homeless, crops and livestock have been destroyed and the threat of disease has been increased.  

"It is important that the United States and the international community take an active and committed role in Mozambique's recovery efforts and those of other Southern African nations.  Mozambique is one of the world's most Heavily Indebted Poor Countries according to the World Bank and therefore does not possess adequate means by which to address this crisis.

"I join my colleagues in commending South Africa and the United Kingdom for acting quickly to assist Mozambique.  The Administration should also be commended for its increasing efforts to provide disaster assistance to Mozambique.  I hope that passage of this resolution will encourage the continuing efforts of the Administration and increasing involvement of the international community in providing emergency relief to Mozambique. 

"This tragic disaster serves as a reminder of the importance of debt relief and development assistance efforts that focus on sub-Saharan Africa.  We need to help those nations to bolster their capacity to respond to natural disasters and the needs of their people in general.   My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Southern Africa.  I am determined to help maintain a long-term commitment to the welfare of those nations.  I urge all members to vote in support of H Res. 431."


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