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@kevinrose You are one seriously messed up cook! :-)
Ah, plenty of food left. Lots of leftovers to enjoy Saturday and Sunday, along with plenty of football. All is well.
@leolaporte Should kevin's Diggnation producer have cut the sexist comments since they were over the top?
@thurrott Well you have me thorougly confused!
Whoops needed the link..
Life is complete, I figured Monty Python would "get" the Internet
@leolaporte Sweet! That radio is the answer to my dreams. Thanks for the tip.
@leolaporte It sounds great, but is it subscription based?
@LeoLaporte do you think Obama will have X prizes for some of the technological advances we need to jerry pournelle speaks of?
Had not trouble voting at lunch. Most of the people in this part of Florida voted early.
Who would imagine, Black Panthers barring white people from voting. How enlightened...
Catching up on email and phonemail.
Another Monday at work...Oh boy.
Hodgman on twit tonight was great. probably the best twit!
Are company's like Google and Microsoft the place for small to medium companies to go for help in reducing server and maintenance costs?
Listening to Leo Laporte tonight...
And this is the Gulfcoast, its not supposed to be 34 degrees F in the morning in October!!
Doing paperwork this morning. Mainly inventory stuff...
@kevinrose Alex should use Lemmy from Motorhead for his facial hair example...