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 Division of Migratory Bird Management
 Review of Captive-Reared Mallards on Shooting Preserves


The “Review of Captive-reared Mallard Regulations on Shooting Preserves” by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was prompted by concerns expressed by State Wildlife Agencies and Flyway Councils regarding the potential conflicts with the management of wild migratory waterfowl resulting from the release of large numbers of free-flying or free-ranging captive-reared mallards on State-licensed shooting preserves. This Review focuses solely on the potential conflicts of releasing free-flighted, captive-reared mallards on licensed shooting preserves. It does not, as some have suggested, focus on other issues such as retriever training or dog trials. We fully support the use of captive-reared mallards for these uses.

This Review is not a rule-making document. It is simply intended to provide information pertaining to an assessment of the potential effects and to discuss possible options available to alleviate any conflicts without adversely affecting the opportunities and operations on shooting preserves. A final draft of this review was made available for public comment in late August and we encourage your comments and suggestions. The comment period is open until December 20, 2003.

Below are links to documents pertaining to this Review:

Final Draft: Review of Captive-reared Mallard Regulations on Shooting Preserves

List of Attachments

Federal Register Notice, August 26, 2003

Questions and Answers

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