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Calendar Highlights

December 26, 2008
Deadline for comment on proposed rule or order 73 FR 71968.

January 5, 2009
Deadline for comment on proposed rule or order 73 FR 54097.

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Commitments of Traders: The Commitments of Traders (COT) reports provide a breakdown of each Tuesday’s open interest for market reports in which 20 or more traders hold positions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC.

Industry Filings: The Industry Filings search tool provides access to information about, and filings by, both U.S. and foreign trading facilities and clearing organizations.

Federal Register Releases: CFTC Federal Register releases, available in html and pdf formats, may be searched by year, type of release, or subject.

Public Comments: Proposed rules and industry filings open for comments, and instructions on how to file public comments.

Case Status Reports: The CFTC provides Case Status Reports to inform the public of the current status of ongoing legal cases brought against defendants accused of committing futures trading violations.

Fraud Awareness & Prevention: Before you trade in commodities or futures, know the kinds and signs of fraud and the basics of futures trading.

Last Updated: December 4, 2008