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What's New Announcements
December 5, 2008 - Staff issues Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Sparrows Point LNG and Mid-Atlantic Express Pipeline Project (CP07-62-000, et al.) Read More

December 5, 2008 - Opening remarks at the technical conference on FERC Dam Safety Program Chairman's Statement | Event Details

November 20, 2008 - Comments on Enforcement Staff Report Chairman's Statement | Commissioner’s Statement: Spitzer's | Report PDF

November 20, 2008 - Item G-1, G-5 & G-6: FERC posting rule, inquiry seek market transparency for natural gas pipelines News Release | Chairman's Statement | Commissioner's Statement: Moeller's and Spitzer's | Order No. 720 PDF | NOI PDF | Decision G-6 PDF

November 20 2008 - Item E-18 & E-19: FERC clarifies FPA jurisdiction, PUHCA filing requirement; provides time to make filings News Release | Chairman's Statement | Commissioner's Statement: Moeller's, Spitzer's and Wellinghoff's | Policy Statement PDF | Decision PDF
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FERC's Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) Provides case-related and outreach services for parties engaged in or impacted by FERC-related disputes Read More | Email: | Toll Free: 1-877-337-2237

Enforcement Hotline Contact us at: Toll Free: 1-888-889-8030 | Local: 202-502-8390 | Email:
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For Citizens
  Citizen's Guides - Download guides related to Electric Transmission, LNG, Hydropower, Gas, Oil, Stakeholder Involvement, Electronic Information, and DRS.

Projects Near You - Search Projects in your Area.

Getting Involved and Your Rights - If you think you might be affected by a proposed project regulated by the Commission - you have certain rights Read More
    From Chairman Kelliher  
October 16, 2008 - “The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has taken an important step in our longstanding efforts to promote more effective competition by issuing a final rule to strengthen wholesale competition in organized regional power markets. Competition is national policy with respect to wholesale power markets, and has been for almost 30 years. Significantly, competition policy has always been bipartisan. Competition became national policy through enactment of three significant federal laws. Two laws were crafted by a Democratic Congress, one by a Republican Congress. Two were signed into law by Republican Presidents, one by a Democratic President. Every President since Jimmy Carter has either embraced or accepted competition as national policy with respect to wholesale electricity markets.
  Hydrokinetic Energy Technology
Commission announces pilot project licensing process for new hydropower technologies Read More | White Paper PDF

  Electric Reliability
"Mandatory and enforceable reliability standards and a strong reliability regime are critical elements of the Commission's new regulatory authority over the reliability of the nation's bulk power system, which Congress enacted in the Energy Policy Act of 2005" Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher, September 20, 2007. Visit our Electric Reliability Section
  Transmission Line Siting
Congress gave FERC authority to backstop states in siting transmission lines used for interstate commerce in corridors designated by the Department of Energy as being "in the National Interest". States retain primary jurisdiction for siting transmission, even in these corridors. FERC becomes involved in transmission siting only in certain situations where states do not or cannot site the facilities. Visit our Transmission Line Siting Section

Calendar of Events
Commission Meetings
Commission Members
December 18, 2008
Free Live and Archived Video & Audio Webcast
November 20, 2008
Free Live and Archived Video & Audio Webcast

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