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@mashable i feel that unless you're a company promoting yourself and such, then YES, dear god yes, you can join too many.
@bravehound yeah, everyone i know who plays for the pink team and also plays WoW seems to mention Proudmoore and
@bravehound i'm alliance PvE, on Grizzly Hills server. i doubt we'll cross paths. ;)
@bravehound I just dinged 42 last night. I don't think that's too bad for a first time player, eh? ;)
@JeanAymeri vimeo was going to be my first recommendation. it's waaay better. but not as popular as youtube. (tho, better vids in general..)
@turbonium been waiting for those to come out for 2+ months now! can't wear the regular kind, don't stay in my ears. hefty pricetag, though.
@drewdrew no. the $199/$299 is for new contracts only. ;) but i'll get it taken care of eventually.
what has happened to ? are there other twitter hash-tag tracking sites? #hashtag
@WilHarris and even so for some who AREN'T cinematographers. ;)
@drewdrew apple wants $230. i'm investigating other options.
@GaryJrBoston no, don't think it's covered. we'll see what i can do @ the apple store tonight though.
i can't even begin to describe how sad i am about this. i've been so careful. fell out of my jacket onto metro platform :/
@drewdrew and @mjkish i love 'em. i stuck with "new blue", but also really prefer "shiny". sometimes, "terminal", for fun.
is google maps being really... WONKY for people today?
@bravehound that should help knock out that flu of yours. :D
@dipdewdog probably winter-tires. they're mandatory here in QC after 15-Dec. most don't bother with 2nd set of hubcaps. (i'm just guessing)
@izzyvideo suggestion: you can have evry1 put hash code in responses. #izzyFCP for example. then go here: to look up.
@izzyvideo re: QT -> Compressor. I've seen this mentioned elsewhere. Reasons/benefits for doing so?
@ryanblock show me some -amazing- deals, rather than regular mediocre sales, and i'd be interested. but now? no thanks.


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