Improving USTR Human Capital Management

USTR is a small agency with wide-ranging responsibilities that faces human capital challenges. Its ability to continue pursing trade liberalization initiatives depends on successfully marshaling resources throughout the executive branch, which it does by

  • managing the interagency process to gain industry and country experts,
  • obtaining technical assistance through both formal and informal requests for information, and
  • supplementing its resources with temporary staff on detail from other agencies.

However, in the past, staffing gaps, the lack of succession planning and long-term needs assessments, and limited use of human capital flexibilities have put the agency’s ability to carry out its mission at risk.

Highlights of GAO-06-167 (PDF), Highlights of GAO-05-537 (PDF)

^ Back to topWhat Needs to Be Done

To improve its human capital management, GAO recommended that USTR

  • develop a strategic human capital management system that would be tailored to its small size and unique role; and

    Highlights of GAO-06-167 (PDF)

  • ensure that the management system contain certain elements, such as an interagency resource planning method, the addition of pay and hiring flexibilities, and performance criteria for staff to help align management expectations with critical goals.

In response, USTR has undertaken a number of specific actions to implement a broad human capital management strategy and address the elements we identified. GAO will need to confirm that these actions adequately address the challenges identified in its reviews.

^ Back to topKey Reports

International Trade: USTR Would Benefit from Greater Use of Strategic Human Capital Management Principles
GAO-06-167, December 6, 2005
International Trade: Further Improvements Needed to Handle Growing Workload for Monitoring and Enforcing Trade Agreements
GAO-05-537, June 30, 2005
International Trade: Intensifying Free Trade Negotiating Agenda Calls for Better Allocation of Staff and Resources
GAO-04-233, January 12, 2004
GAO Contact
portrait of Loren Yager

Loren Yager

Director, International Affairs and Trade

(202) 512-4347