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Lassoed the cat's legs in under 17 minutes! Not too bad for someone who flunked out of rodeo college and just drank a Zima he got on eBay!
Your mom's phone accidentally called me and I overheard her saying my hair was the only good thing about me. Third time this week!
Sometimes I miss the days when we didn't have to know which Olsen twin was which.
Like Mama always said: If the stripper's wearing a diaper under her g-string, you shouldn't have to pay $12.50 for a Red Bull and Popov.
I don’t care what the DSM-IV says, you CAN go crazy from eating too many tequila worms. Take it from EEEEEE CHUPACABRA IN MY HAIR YOU GUYS
God bless Obama. It's a glorious new day for this country. Anyway I just kicked the shit out of some guy from the Arcade Fire at Taco Bell.
The only time I get to see the inside of a high school gym is on Election Day. Ever since the restraining order, I mean.
You KNOW I have to test out your makeup first to make sure it's OK. In the basement. With Sade on the boombox. Crying. We've been over this.
Kids, a Halloween ghoul just appeared and ate all your candy and smeared delicious chocolate on my face! Did you forget to pray last night?!
Sorry I "voted early" in the "ballot box" last night. I guess I got over-excited about "electing a black man." Hm, this metaphor needs work.
Still going: Won't you help it grow from a cruddy Charlie Brown tree to an erect, throbbing man-oak?
Ha ha yeah no but seriously CAN you get herpes simplex virus type 2 from passing out face-down on the toilet in the lady's room at Mervyn's?
Can I please just get through ONE parent-teacher conference without hearing the word "loathsome"?
Oh, this scar? I got this one back in Halloween of '08 when my Obama costume was ... misunderstood.
I wish Rage Against The Machine were here so we could all enjoy their song being played in the sweatpant section of Wal-Mart.
I love how my Wikipedia page neglects to mention my love of skiing and focuses almost exclusively on the whole kidnap/murder thing.
My brother @juniorwad covers his futon with bubble wrap so the neighbors know when he's giving the "lewd infusion" to a special lady.
I always get a little nostalgic this time of year because my first girlfriend was a pumpkin with a surprised expression carved into it.
Well, it's official: I'm the only person on who still respects the fucking canon.
Gentle sir, this meeting is not a venue for your ventriloquism, nor is that the appendage typically used to bring a sock puppet to life.


Maggie Mason Liz Dunn gac evany heidi Michael Sippey Ben Brown dana j. robinson Andre Torrez maura John Gruber Anil Dash Dean Cameron Allen alana post Amy Jane Gruber hotdogsladies Matt Haughey Lance Arthur John Halcyon Styn Scott Simpson Jim Coudal Jason Kottke Avery Edison Matthew Baldwin kfan Adam Lisagor Greg Knauss Dooce dr. casey hall Sarah Brown Meghan Elizabeth Marc Paul Ford SeoulBrother J. Stratham Trixie Fontaine