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can never resist a red badge with a number for "unread". if one shows up anywhere on my screen i immediately look and try to deal with it.
@braposo you should check out my bundle for YUI CSS + textmate. It's on github. It'll save you 3x the time
@timoteobica at this point we have quite a lot of developers. but do send me a CV by email if you want me to have a look. i will for sure.
we're looking for an extra designer (or 2) to work with us on something pretty cool. it helps if you're awesome. msg me? thanks!
watching bjorn lomborg at reason. great reasoning on real climate change.
victory is mine - sleep schedule is slowly getting back to normal. i'm actually leaving pacific time 1 year late.
@gerwitz dm me your email addy and i'll send you an invite. you get the last of them.
@jamis great post on the capistrano mailing list. Wish web developers could be as bold about IE support, to be honest. Its my gorilla.
I keep falling off the GTD bandwagon until the headaches kick in again. Then I suddenly dump everything back into omnifocus.
writing "Ruby Enterprise Edition" in Arial Rounded is like writing "I want you for the US army" in Comic Sans.
@ryancarson is there a site for the london event already? you can bet i'm coming this time
the combination of techmeme (for business) and hackernews (for development) is quickly substituting most of the feeds i read.
design cliche: when you're showing screenshots of your app on a website, you always have to rotate them at least a little bit.
@antoniopratas i tried it out yesterday (songbird 1.0) and while it is technically interesting (XUL, extensions), I don't need it
hah! Thanks everyone for the serious (and even the not so serious answers). I love them - keep them coming!
if you didn't know what we do, what would our company name ("Webreakstuff") suggest? just curious ;-)
@stoweboyd you can use to convert that to html and that should be fine with most platforms
@gerwitz well... i'm not a fan of pie. but your point is still valid.
@paulozoom, @totspot: new features, redesigned admin panel (well done, i should say, despite all the grey), joy and joyness


Evan Williams Dunstan Rael Dornfest veen hans.gerwitz danah boyd Ross om tedr Dave McClure Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Buster McLeod Erika Hall Dan Saffer Dave Winer lane Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek joshua schachter João Antunes Stewart Butterfield Lisa McMillan Thor Muller Cal Henderson brady forrest Jyri Engeström Stowe Boyd David Young Emily Chang Jeremy Keith
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