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@louisgray I don't think google reader is an inbox either, that's why I like turning off the counts there too
@ccarfi that's better - there's extra subtlety in OpenID's that link to PortableContacts profiles too
@louisgray so you're using twitter 'cos it doesn't have a counter?
Good post by John McCrea on the Open Stack underpinnings of Freind Connect
@ccarfi an odd dichotomy in your post there - Friend Connect builds on OpenID
@bmann Friend Connect works by embedding JS in the webpage - how do you want to coule it to wordpress or drupal?
any site that wants to be an OpenID Relying Party can now become one in minutes using Friend Connect
Google Friend Connect now open for everyone:
@giagia if only there was a globally available way of distributing video files...
@kellan Friend Connect makes any website social by adding a snippet of JS - it's built on the Open Stack of OpenID, OAuth and OpenSocial
@giagia Why does Neal Gaiman need to have a "Doctor Who" dealer?
@giagia meanwhile, Torrent siets have a bumper set of 139 episodes of Horizon:
@giagia The Ordnance Survey are worse, though
@giagia the problem is that the BBC people think 'being businesslike' means 'behaving like gordon gecko' - they play out their stereotypes
@giagia I've offered to pay the licence fee, didn't help.
@giagia I cant watch Horizon on iPlayer because the Beeb are parochial gits
@EmreSokullu write an OpenSocial gadget, and embed it in your FriendConnect site using the 'custom gadget' option on social gadgets
@monkchips @bockmabe: no, law of the few is wrong see Asymmetry is natural. Twitter makes it work
@ElisaC that's true: the T1 is not subject to the Bailystock and Bloom underprovisioning DSL is, and is symmetric


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