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@rharris I'm no fan of the "personal brands" concept, but it's pervasive in social media discourse. I'm just muddying the argument a bit.
@rharris Here, you're lucky for different reasons, like better access to real Mexican food. But alack, Pizza Express eludes us both.
You Britons are lucky. There are times I would kill a man for some Pizza Express. (This is one of those times.)
@blackthir13en The ways in which that claim could be proven are liable to get many a tester arrested.
@rharris But aren't we ALL personal brands these days? (Oy...)
@PlusSizeMommy and @illyrias were the two who DMed fastest to snag my 2 pairs of free PSO tix for Sat night. Have fun at the symphony!
If anybody in Pittsburgh wants to see the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra perform Handel's Messiah on Fri or Sat night, DM me. 4 free tix avl.
@KathleenLD Zombies are always an easy sell. If you want to make a quick buck, throw some zombies into anything.
@gwenix I enjoy dressing like something other than a hobo now that I'm dating a woman with style. It may also be a product of age or income.
I may be the only guy in this cafe who didn't gel his 'do this morning. Thus, I'll survive the inevitable zombie attack.
@eydryan Men's style is usually inflicted upon them by women. Straight dudes would spend their entire lives wearing a tunic unless diverted.
@ckieff Verbosity within brevity is my forte.
Whenever I see a guy with Backstreet Boys hair, I realize that men's style choices die kicking and screaming.
If people need to see themselves as brands in order 2 realize that everything they say and do is a representation of who they are, so be it.
@lennyflatley No one ever says, "I want to be a brand when I grow up."
@HumanityCritic Anything involving Pete Rock has the potential to motivate the masses. So underrated.
This whole "personal branding" concept must be jumping the longest shark ever grown, because the conversation just won't die...
Heading out with Rufus to visit @chris_lugo and his pooch, Dexter, for Puppy Playtime - and expecting to see several Twitterers there.
@Bridget_NewGirl We have a 9-month old cockapoo named Rufus.
Heading home, in an effort to beat traffic and get some mid-day sustenance before the dog's bladder Jackson Pollocks itself all over the apt


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