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@NuniesWife it's not normally a bank issue. . .Visa notifies your bank of the amount reported by the vendor. . .probably Taco Bell's issue
@orderedlist keeps telling me to get a hobby so I'm thinking about taking up crochet. . .
I love Little Debbie brownies
the AT&T commercial with the people's heads on their thumbs is really creepy
watching the last quarter of the Ball State game
@lizsmc1 not too bad. . .he made it through the Bethel game with no major breakdowns. . .that said, I still hope this doesn't become a habit
Jackson has decided that he doesn't want or need a nap today. . .we'll see how that works out for him. . .
@lizsmc1 I'm usually not an airhead but I have my moments :)
@lizsmc1 that's nothing. . .more than one time while driving down the road in my car, I have a freak out moment wondering where my keys are
just made rice krispie treats
picking out a christmas tree
I've decided not to go shopping tomorrow for the first time in as long as I can remember
Jackson is showing Ryann how to crawl. . .too cute
potty training
someone needs to tell Chris Berman that his mini mullet makes him look like a tool
my Twitterank is 64.27!
Happy Birthday @orderedlist!
@oaknd1 ha ha, very funny. Though the museum is not outdoors, walking 5 blocks to the museum with 2 kids would have been REALLY fun. . .
just left the pentagon after a private tour. . .very cool
was going to visit the Smithsonian today but it's rainiong like a mo fo so we're going to skip it


John Nunemaker Daniel Morrison William H Harle Jr. Steve Smith Mike Stickel Chas Grundy -oAk- Amber Grundy Liz O'Connor Ethan Brackley NuniesWife carebear1006 lightfeet robsco10