Rep. Henry Waxman - 29th District of California

About Rep. Waxman
In the News
Constituent Services
The 29th District
About Congress
Contact Us

In Washington, D.C.
2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3976 (phone)
(202) 225-4099 (fax)

In Los Angeles
8436 West Third Street, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 651-1040 (phone)
(323) 655-0502 (fax)

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Issues and Legislation

Environment - Pesticides

Pesticides and Our Food

June 2005
Rep. Waxman’s Work to Stop Unethical Human Pesticide Experiments
Through his position as Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Waxman has worked to stop the chemical industry’s practice of conducting unethical human pesticide experiments. Visit the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform’s website to learn more about Rep. Waxman’s work.
Information on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's website

Rep. Waxman’s Work to Enact the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
After nearly twenty years of legislative stalemate, Congress finally approved sweeping reforms to our pesticide laws in 1996. Many of the most important provisions of "The Food Quality Protection Act" (Public Law 104-170) are the result of a remarkable compromise forged by Rep. Waxman, Commerce Committee Chairman Thomas Bliley, and Rep. John Dingell. That compromise has been called the "most important law you never heard of," and establishes a comprehensive regulatory system for the food we eat.

Learn more about Rep. Waxman’s work on the Food Quality Protection Act