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I hope y'all enjoy the Dreams and Nightmares. I'm just glad to be done working on them.
@rsnelson42 You'll want to watch Godfather 1 and 2 as part of your prep.
PackRat protip: do your flipping in rows rather than in columns. It'll keep you from hitting a Steal button by mistake.
I'm sure none of you doubts there is such a thing as bad design, but just in case you need the boost:
@Painted_Cave That drawing and story are A+ in my book.
That thing where Facebook gives up on the URL you're trying to reach and just dumps you at the home page? That's AWESOME.
From the "I Have No Words" department -- African-Americans to get their own version of Firefox:
And hey -- I love Gears of War as much as the next guy.
While it's great that the Wii sold 800,000 the week of Black Friday, what's truly delicious is watching the outrage of "core" gamers unfold.
Fox News: Poinsettias are A DANGEROUS HOLIDAY STAPLE
PackRat is back and better than ever:
Obama isn't turning out to be "liberal enough." Psst: I assumed this would happen.
@Toscaskiss Nothing says "please don't marry me" like a computer running Windows.
@Toscaskiss I'm more of a Cooking Mama player, myself.
Nice bit about Shinseki, Obama's Secretary of Veterans Affairs:
Fieldrunners for iPhone makes Time's top 10 games for 2008. I'm down with that.
While I don't like drawing with the trackpad, it's nice to come back to a real screen and see the result looking better than I thought.
Firefox protip: Firefox doesn't like it when you use spaces in your keyword shortcuts. E.g.: use "pa" for Penny Arcade, not "p a".


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