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@nmallin yep... Too late now... I thought that too looooong after the fact. My name eats up 15 characters!!!
Want 2 know how much traffic a press release drives to your site?BW Access report states # of times each link (full/embedded) was clicked on
Walking into work - I love az when it is cool and rainy.
@KrisBeldin Cant pass on a chance to discuss "Beldin in the wild" as a possible NatGeo special. Cool about Tehva. Who knew?
@scottsdaleaz Right back at ya, SCVB!
@kellyroy Last time I was on 8 wheels I broke my collar bone. 26 years later I stay on my own two feet
@mvolpe Don't you guys have some form of measurement tool that would holiday party craziness feedback...? "Holiday Party Grader"?
@SteveBelt That's Gambo & Ashe's thing, right?
@cjwalkerman No more office suite? Or just home office to supplement office office?
@mentzdog set RSS feeds off of That's what I do
@KrisBeldin It's a better world because you're in it, KB.
g'night everyone.
Casey the Lab is sleeping in our big chair (where her bed is). The big chair has now officially become the dog's chair
Business Wire = add embedded links, bullets, bold, etc. in any format you choose at no added cost. Then harness our network. Sleep on it.
Freezing in tucson with @durtbagz at 4th Ave st fair for booth. 50-deg and rainy. Sick!
@korykredit I'm a little late... no problem! I'm sure our paths will cross!
Did ya know that BizWire's new Access reports track, among other things, # of times each indiv link in your press release was clicked on?
Went to bed late - again... slept through alarm #1. No spinning for me this morning.... off to BW offices for our Open House!
@durtbagz & friends put on a great event last night. Bizarre Bazaar was a big success and raised over $400 to go 2 fightin' cancer! Proud.


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