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Heading to dinner and then high school for b ball.
@camprunapup is it expensive? Only open in chicago?
@camprunapup i keep saving your txt messages and never looked into this school thing
@jamapainese tgif, this week was so busy!
Ah, another friday
Uhhhh...gotta love when i leave and my stuff gets into the room. However, i do
Well, still working on APUSH
@JustJulie Eh, might as well get a start now. :P
@JustJulie The Auto bailout has pretty much failed, GM has NO funds to keep it going, we are going to see a huge depression.
WARNING: Head to your doomsday bunker now!!!
Auto bailout is dead. Welcome to depression 2009!!!!!
@comcastcares I appreciate your response and will keep you updated.
@comcastcares not sure what KGO was about a cable tap issue, just sent an email to the address listed on your twitter profile.
@CampRunAPup Always good not to have poisoned children!
Just wrote up my complaint to Buffalo Wild Wings, and pissed that Comcast still hasn't fixed the problem we are having....grh! @comcastcares
I cannot wait until Christmas break, bum marketing and chat room bots 24/7 baby!
@JohnChowDotCom I love the MarketLeverage T-shirt. It's so comfortable.
Working on setting up in line ads.


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