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Product News
You're the Bad Boy. You're a Natural Born Cut-up, Your Muscles Are Ripped, Your Wit Is Razor Sharp, and You've Got the Nicest Teeth in the Shop   KBC Tools

Launch of the New I-Foiler(TM) Induction Sealing System from Pillar Technologies at Packtech, NEC Birmingham, 11 - 12 February 2009   Pillar Technologies

Industry Trends
Riding out the Tail-end of an Unpredictable 2008 by dbutcher

Another productive year is coming to an end. It's been our pleasure bringing you the trends that are changing the way the world does business, and solutions to help keep up. No doubt 2009 will be as heavy in industry-transforming developments, and we look forward to delivering the information you need to succeed.

Tools & Gadgets

Visit our Tools and Gadgets center to discover the many timesaving desktop tools you can use to make your job easier and maybe, a little more fun.

Gears of Doom - Let gravity do the work in this game, all you have to do is rotate the circle, allowing the ball to fall through the maze. It seems simple, but it's not easy!
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Thomas Global - Visit Thomas Global, the most complete, up-to-date directory of suppliers in 28 countries, in 11 languages.

This Week's Poll

Work Life
Will the current economic climate affect your holiday spending?
Yes, I will be spending less
No, it won’t affect it

Product Catalogs

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