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Sources Cited in
Corporate Archives and History: Making the Past Work

edited by
Arnita A. Jones and Philip L. Cantelon

© 1993 Krieger Publishing Company

Reproduced 2001 with permission of the publisher

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Getting Started: Recent Case Studies
The Corporate Archivist: Professional Concerns
Managing the Corporate Memory
The Usable Past


The Practice of History in Corporate America: Business Archives in the United States
Philip E Mooney

1. Meyer Fishbein, "Business Archives," Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 3 (New York, 1968), 517-26. 2. David R. Smith, "A Historical Look at Business Archives." American Archivist 45 (1982): 273-78. See also Helen L. Davidson, "A Tentative Survey of Business Archives," American Archivist24 (1961): 323-27. 3. Laurence Vail Coleman, Company Museums (Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums, 1943). 4. Robert W Lovett, "The Status of Business Archives," American Archivist 32 (1969): 247-50; Gary P, Saretzky: "North American Business Archives: Re- sults of a Survey," American Archivist 40 (1977): 413-20; and Directory of Business Archives in the United States and Canada (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1980). 5. Margaret Price, "Corporate Historians: A Rare but Growing Breed," Industry Week (23 March 1981): 87-90; and Robert Levy, "Inside Industry's Archives," Dun's Review (May 1982): 72-76. 6. Betsy Bauer, "Companies Save Past for Future," USA Today, 20 March 1984, sec. B, 1-2. 7. For additional discussions of the role of strategic planning in archives, see George David Smith and Laurence E. Steadman, "Present Value of Corporate History," Harvard Business Review 59 (November-December 1981): 164-73; and Gilbert Tauber, "Making Corporate History a Planning Resource," Planning Review (September 1983): 14-19. 8. James Monteleone, "Your Bank's Archives May be Valuable," The Bankers Magazine 166 (January-February 1983): 69-74; and "Companies Digging Up Their Past," Management Review 71 (1 January 1982): 32-33. 9. For a fuller discussion of this issue, see Edie Hedlin, "Access: The Company vs. the Scholar," Georgia Archives 8 (1979): 1-8; and Anne Van Camp, "Access Policies for Corporate Archives," American Archivist 45 (1982): 296-98. 10. For a discussion of appraisal practices, see David L. Lewis, "Appraisal Criteria for Retention and Disposal of Business Records," American Archivist 32 (1969): 21-24. 11. Linda Edgerly, "Business Archives Guidelines," American Archivist 45 (1982): 267-69. 12. Directory of Business Archives in the United States and Canada (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990). Also unpublished survey data provided to the author by Linda Edgerly, Gary Saretzky, and Karen Benedict, compilers of the data.


"If Only We Had Talked with _____ Before" : Oral History and the Corporation
Philip L. Cantelon

REFERENCES ON ORAL HISTORY Baum, Willa K. Oral History for the Local Historical Society. rev. ed. Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, 1987. Cutting-Baker, Holly, Amy Kotkin, and Margaret Yocom. Family Folklore Interviewing Guide and Questionnaire. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978. Davis, Cullom, Kathryn Back, and Kay MacLean. Oral History: From Tape to Type. Chicago: American Library Association, 1977. Epstein, Ellen Robinson, and Rona Mendelsohn. Record and Remember: Tracing Your Roots Through Oral History. New York: Sovereign/Simon & Schuster, 1978. Frisch, Michael. A Shared Authority: Essays on the Craft and Meaning of Oral and Public History. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990. Gordon, Raymond L. Interviewing: Strategy, Techniques, and Tactics. rev. ed. Home- wood, Ill.: Dorsey Press, 1975. Hoopes, James. Oral History: An Introduction for Students. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979. Key, Betty McKeever. Maryland Manual of Oral History. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1979. Mehaffy, George, and Thad Sitton. "Oral History: A Strategy that Works." Social Education 41 (May 1977): 378-81. Menninger, Robert. "Some Psychological Factors in Oral History Interviewing." The Oral History Review 3 (1975): 68-75. Mishler, Elliot, G. Research Interviewing: Context and Narrative. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986. Nathan, Harriet. Critical Choices in Interviewing: Conduct, Use, and Research Role. Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies, 1986. Rosenthal, Bob. "The Interview and Beyond: Some Methodological Questions for Oral Historians." The Public Historian I (Spring 1979): 58-67.

Disaster Recovery Planning for the Corporate Archives
Julia Niebuhr Eulenberg

Banks, Paul. A Selective Bibliography on the Conservation of Research Library Materials. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1981. Barton, John, and Johanna G. Wellheiser, eds. An Ounce of Prevention: A Handbook on Disaster Contingency Planning for Archives, Libraries, and Record Centres. Toronto: Toronto Area Archivists Group Education Foundation,1985. Bohem, Hilda. Disaster Prevention and Disaster Preparedness. Berkeley: University of California, 1978. Bulgawicz, Susan L., and Charles E. Nolan. Disaster Prevention and Recovery: A Planned Approach. Prairie Village, Kans.: ARMA International, 1988. Cunha, George Martin, and Dorothy Grant. Library and Archives Conservation: 1980s and Beyond, v. I and II. Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1983. Eulenberg, Julia Niebuhr. Handbook for the Recovery of Water-Damaged Business Records. Prairie Village, Kans.: ARMA International, 1986. Geller, S. B. Care and Handling of Computer Magnetic Storage Media. US. Department of Commerce, 1983. Kyle, Hedi. Library Materials Preservation Manual. Bronxville, NY: Nicholas T Smith, 1984. Protecting Federal Records Centers and Archives from Fire. General Services Administration, USGPO, 1976.

Corporate Records and Environmental Liability in the Era of Superfund
Shelley Bookspan

1. 42 U.S.C. Sections 9601-9657 (1980). 2. Pub. L. No. 99-499, 100 Stat. 1613 (1986). 3. U.S. v. A & F Materials Co., Inc. D.C. 111. 1984, 578 F Supp. 1249. 4. See, e. g., New York, City of v. Exxon, 633 E Supp. 609, 16 Environmental Law Reporter 20850 (S.D.N.Y. 1986). 5. Kenneth P, Cohen, "Allocation of Superfund Cleanup Costs Among Potentially Responsible Parties: The Role of Binding Arbitration," 18 Environmental Law Reporter 19158 (May 1988). 6. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C Section 6973 et seq. (1976),. acronym RCRA, created recordkeeping requirements for the treatment, sto age, and disposal of hazardous wastes.

The Impact of Automation on Our Corporate Memory
Richard N. Katz and Victoria A. Davis

1. Edward Weldon, "Challenges of Change," American Archivist 46 (Spring 1983): 128. See also the remarks of the U.S. Bureau of the Census, Vincent R Barabba, "Demographic Change and the Public Work Force," prepared for the 2nd Public Management Research Conference on the Changing Character of the Public Work Force, Washington, D.C., (Nov. 18,1980). 2. INPUT, Optical Mass Memories (Mt. View, Calif: 1983). 3. D. W McArthur, "Automation: Is It Off Schedule?", The Office (July 1985). See also the observations of the Committee on the Records of Government which warned "the United States is in danger of losing its memory," in Report of the Committee on the Records of Government, Council on Library Resources, Washington, D.C., (March, 1985). 4. Jake Knoppers, "Integrating Technologies-Integrating Disciplines?", Records Management Quarterly 17 Jan. 1983), 5-7. See also Margaret S. Childs, "Reflections on Cooperation Among Professions," American Archivist46 (Summer 1983), 286-292. Ms. Childs observed that "the time is not far in the future when libraries and archives will begin to fall together because not only will they be handling information conveyed by a great variety of mediums but, also the methodological distinctions between the control of printed matter and control applied to other kinds of documentation will cease to have any meaning when the same videodisc may well contain printed texts, still photographs, moving pictures... and organizational records. Now what kind of catalogue record should that have?" 5. Frank G. Burke, "Archival Cooperation," American Archivist 46 (Summer 1983): 294.


An Historical Look at Business Archives
David R. Smith

1. Oliver W. Holmes, "The Evaluation and Preservation of Business Archives," American Archivist I (October 1938): 171-85. 2. Quoted in William D. Overman, "The Pendulum Swings," American Archivist 22 (January 1959): 4. 3. Overman had worked with the Firestone family since 1937, while still at the Historical Society, on the cataloging of historical papers. See William D. Over man, "The Firestone Archives and Library," American Archivist 16 (October 1953): 305-309. 4. Arthur H. Cole, "Business Manuscripts: A Pressing Problem," Journal of Economic History 5 (May 1945): 43-59. 5. Lawrence Vail Coleman, Company Museums (Washington, D.C.: The American Association of Museums, 1943). 6. Overman, "The Pendulum Swings, 119. 7. Edie Hedlin, Ohio Business Archives Manual (Columbus: Ohio Historical Society, 1974); idem., Business Archives: An Introduction (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1978). 8. Ralph W. Hidy, "Business Archives: Introductory Remarks," American Archivist 29 (January 1966): 34.

lnternships: An Employer's Perspective
Anne Millbrooke

1. Regarding early archival training, see Karl L. Trevor, "The Organization and Status and Archival training in the United States," American Archivist, 11 (April 1948): 154-163; and Jacqueline Goggin, "That We Shall Truly Deserve the Tide of 'Profession': the Training and Education of Archivists, 1930-1960," American Archivist, 47 (Summer 1984): 243-254. See also Thomas C. Cochran, "Business Archival Internship," American Archivist, 9 (October 1946): 385-386. 2. "Society of American Archivists Guidelines for Graduate Archival Education Programs," American Archivist 51 (Summer 1988): 380-389. 3. Organization of American Historians, Committee on Public History, Educating Historians for Business, a Guide for Departments of History (Organization of American Historians, 1983), 17. The Organization of American Historians also discussed the importance of internships in its guides on Historic Preservation (1982), Historical Editing (1984), and Teaching Public History to Undergraduates (1984); the undergraduate guide lists the responsibilities of the student (intern), the faculty coordinator (school), and the field supervisor (employer). See also Robert Kelley, "On the Teaching of Public History," Public Historian 9 (Summer 1987): 38-46; and Noel J. Stowe, "Developing a Public History Curriculum beyond the 1980s: Challenges and Foresight," Public Historian, 9 (Summer 1987): 20-37. The perspective of the local historical society and guidelines for implementing an internship program are given in "Take a Turn with Interns, How to Set up an Internship at Your Society," History News 36 (March 1981): 16-19.

Archives and the One World of Records
Nancy M. Merz

1. Morris L. Radoff, "What Binds Us Together," American Archivist 19 (January 1956):3-9. 2. Wilmer O. Maedke, Mary Robek, and Gerald F Brown, Information and Records Management, 2nd ed. (Encino, Calif., 1981),18-33. 3. William E Birdsall, "The Two Sides of the Desk: The Archivist and the Historian, 1909-1935," American Archivist 38 (April 1975): 159-173. 4. Andrew Raymond and James M. O'Toole, "Up from the Basement: Archives, History, and Public Administration," Georgia Archives (Fall 1978): 18-31. 5. Larry Hackman and Joan Warnow-Blewett, "The Documentation Strategy Process: A Model and Case Study," American Archivist50 (Winter 1987): 14. 6. Victoria Irons Walch, "Information Resources for Archivists and Records Ad- ministrators: A Report and Recommendations," National Association of Gov- ernment Archivists and Records Administrators, 1987.


Present Value of Corporate History
George David Smith and Laurence E. Steadman

1. Andrew B. Jack, "The Channels of Distribution for Innnovation; The Sewing Machine Industry in America," Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, February 9,1957, p. 113. 2. See Dun's Review, June 1980, p. 96. A working paper by Alan B. Wilkins, "Organizational Stories as Symbols Which Control the Organization," June 1980, provides extended discussion of corporate folklore at Hewlett-Packard. 3. See Business Week, October 27, 1980, p. 148. 4. "How Quickly We Forget," San Francisco Examiner-Chronicle, November 23, 1980. 5. See Peter Drucker, Managing in Turbulent Times (New York: Harper & Row,1980), pp. 68-71.

How a Research Organization Can Put the Past to Work
Spencer R. Weart

1. "What's Historical About Science and Technology Policy?" The Public Historian 2, No. 3 (1980): 26-28. 2. Reports on a study of Department of Energy national laboratories, with recommendations on archives, are available from the American Institute of Physics.

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