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To what degree do you think the reliance on advertising has affected the way social software is built? How could/would things be different?
@megfowler Strangely, Sunday is the only day of the week I don't think that. heh.
I'll be interested in seeing how retail does at the end of the season, ad buys and promotions haven't ramped up as much as usual.
You should follow @HTSAA, that is all. :)
@megansoto Check. Tell me if it turns out to be good.
@megansoto Is it good? I'm collecting opinions before I commit to it.
@TemporalFlush It might become larger but right now it's an experiment.
@DMular Agreed, usually it's a comparison of the worst flaws of ourselves with an idealized version of the other person.
Too many of us beat ourselves bloody trying to be like other people, thats crap in reality we just want to be better versions of ourselves.
@MarkDykeman I see what you did there . . . heh.
@ophelia As is well on this wonderful morning?
Alright folks, take a look at the blog. I like Chris Brogan, and I like the -idea- of the campaign. What do you think of the ad unit?
@havi Doing quite well in fact, trying to get things in order for the beginning of the year. Getting ready for the holidays. You?
@havi Just so a sneak preview of The Curious Case of Ben Button, really good film.
@ajhaveri Wow, thanks for the link mate.
@MtnLaurel You're the second person to link me to this site, sounds like a good cause.
@Kevinwmurray Heh, I already have one.
If I told you I would buy you something for Christmas, if it was for a good cause -- what would it be? Serious responses appreciated.
@christinelu I wish more people could provide such a lucid argument for something they are passionate about.


Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Paul Terry Walhus Brij Singh Manuel Viloria Antonio Edward (jeff)isageek Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier Elliott Ng mdy Sooz Lisa McMillan Scott Hussein Rafer David Parmet Justine Larry Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan julien Graham English drew olanoff Bill Palmer John Federico Beth Kanter Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Antonio Altamirano Mark Bao
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