[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 9, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 9CFR2.3]

[Page 15-16]
PART 2_REGULATIONS--Table of Contents
                           Subpart A_Licensing
Sec. 2.3  Demonstration of compliance with standards and regulations.

    (a) Each applicant must demonstrate that his or her premises and any 
animals, facilities, vehicles, equipment, or other premises used or 
intended for use

[[Page 16]]

in the business comply with the regulations and standards set forth in 
parts 2 and 3 of this subchapter. Each applicant for an initial license 
or license renewal must make his or her animals, premises, facilities, 
vehicles, equipment, other premises, and records available for 
inspection during business hours and at other times mutually agreeable 
to the applicant and APHIS, to ascertain the applicant's compliance with 
the standards and regulations.
    (b) Each applicant for an initial license must be inspected by APHIS 
and demonstrate compliance with the regulations and standards, as 
required in paragraph (a) of this section, before APHIS will issue a 
license. If the first inspection reveals that the applicant's animals, 
premises, facilities, vehicles, equipment, other premises, or records do 
not meet the requirements of this subchapter, APHIS will advise the 
applicant of existing deficiencies and the corrective measures that must 
be completed to come into compliance with the regulations and standards. 
An applicant who fails the first inspection will have two additional 
chances to demonstrate his or her compliance with the regulations and 
standards through a second inspection by APHIS. The applicant must 
request the second inspection, and if applicable, the third inspection, 
within 90 days following the first inspection. If the applicant fails 
inspection or fails to request reinspections within the 90-day period, 
he or she will forfeit the application fee and cannot reapply for a 
license for a period of 6 months from the date of the failed third 
inspection or the expiration of the time to request a third inspection. 
Issuance of a license will be denied until the applicant demonstrates 
upon inspection that the animals, premises, facilities, vehicles, 
equipment, other premises, and records are in compliance with all 
regulations and standards in this subchapter.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

[54 FR 36147, Aug. 31, 1989, as amended at 69 FR 42100, July 14, 2004]