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Working in the beaverton Dungeon!
At the office munchin on Goji Berries & Bee Pollen..
@alexcwilliams HAHAHA.. That image sums up how "metal" think Metallica is these days..
Back to a Monday after a killer weekend..
Cowboys look to have this wrapped up, heading home soon..
At Cheerful Tortoise, cowboys aren't doing very well, at least the internet connection here is better.
Heading to cheerful tortoise, I think, that is if I can make it without getting soaked..
@zebulingod Yup. playing the Steelers.
Wishing it would stop raining for a few mins so I can make a quick walk..
Sitting warm and dry in at coffee shop at SW Broadway & Alder, soon to head to sports bar for cowboy game. Wake up!
Heading downtown 4 nia dance.
Did some marketing planning, feeling good.
At the 720 room on Hawthorne about to catch some music, doing work work work!
Feeling massive amounts of abundance!
Drinking birthday coffee & munchin Biscotti...
@ekki That is crazy! Another legal loophole that needs to be filled..
@writeinmovement Congrats! You get to buy the beer! :)
@brampitoyo Thanks, you just reminded me I got some work have to get done.. oh well.. :)
@brampitoyo How's things in your world


Josh Bancroft phillip Drew Bell Nate Bedortha toast Scott Kveton Kim Audrey Robby Russell    Erica OGrady Brenda Clark Reid Beels Lelonopo Don Park Delta Park Project Karel P Kerezman Mindy Steven Frank Jason Harris Akshay Dodeja Wendy Peter Wooley Erik Chevalier Aaron Hockley B. Hussein Fishbones toonlet Dawn Foster Chris Coyier renny Eddie Awad marshallk AdamD Brandon Philips sarah gilbert Jon Hopkins Rick Turoczy
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