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Finally got a review page set up. Now, who wants to send me stuff to review?
Eeyore: "Hey mom. I made up a joke. The chicken crossed the road. Did you get it?" Uh, no. No, I did not get it.
Cindy-Lu just shoved her toy lipstick down her shirt and said "I think this is safekeeping for my lipstick."
Crossing fingers that I win HP Magic Giveaway! #glmagic!
Cindy-Lu after decorating the Christmas tree: "Look, guys! It's as pretty as me!"
CL just asked "When I get big like you will my boobies be big like this too?" and pointed down by her belly button. I'm so flattered.
@chickybaby Deal. Two whiny, pouty brats are better than one, I always say.
@chickybaby I won't be seeing it anytime soon either. We can cry together.
@mammaloves No school tomorrow. Teacher's Institute or some crap like that.
First ever slumber party happening tonight. Wait. Is it called a slumber party if it's for boys?
New design! Can anyone actually READ my page though? Colors too dark? Anything all jacked up?
@PSPants Pink Lemonade bubble gum might suck, but buttered popcorn jelly beans are yummy.
@dorydorydory "Bear with me" always makes me think of gynecological exams for some reason. I hate that phrase.
Am about to murder the neighbor kids. They are EVIL little creatures.
Daughter just demanded that I stop painting her butt.Translation? Stop being a pain in the butt.
@PSPants Can't fedex it since I already finished it off, but here's the recipe: It is AWESOME.
@charmedimsure Hahaha! I've done that before. You are right...pathetic! ;)