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nnnnnnnnh... my head hurts
@bbgeeks seems I can't read your blog on my Bold (imgs over text). Looking for plugin for it. Got a link?
Twitter is such a personal tool I often find myself conflicted 'tween personal/professional goals. May need 2nd account.
Big party tonight. Moving furniture, cooking, and shopping for a mirror ball today.
@mpranikoff mind you, I'm only following a tenth of @mjkeliher!
@mpranikoff Tweetdeck :) I have panels for us, news tweets like NYT or BBC and a 'watch' panel. The rest I dip & scan when I can.
@sazzollini I'm certain not everyone realises how high your standards are :)
@trevorloe first thing you learn from staying in the NJ C'wood... get a room at the front! Also their larger rooms have no fridge hum.
@trevorloe say hello to NY for me - it's been a while
@dcthomson need a new chain on my saw - had to resort to ye olde elbow grease at the weekend.
@stephenfry you will be assimilated, resistance is futile!
@trevorloe looks like the Browns are putting you out of your misery earlier than you predicted
@AlbertMaruggi can't say it is - more a #singbadly song for me. For #gofaster it'd have to be something like Presley's Viva Las Vegas
@AlbertMaruggi "tempted but the truth is discovered..." love, love, love Squeeze!
Survived my 10 yr old's b'day party. DIY pizzas, party games, big bonfire and deadly noise levels. Burning music for our party nxt week :)
Anyone seen a Twitter tool that pulls out followers' locations?


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