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We didn't bail out the ice box makers either, @devinreams ;-)
@QueenofSpain EPI is hardly unbiased, agreed?
@QueenofSpain I don't doubt that jobs will be lost, but it is hard to take EPI seriously when the board is the UAW and USWA (unions).
"Yes it will be traumatic but the Big Three need to fail to make room (and capital) available for the next generation of autos."
"FINALLY republicans are acting like republicans... where were they during the 750 b bail out? ANY bailout is a BAD IDEA."
@QueenofSpain Could be that they got a lot of crap about not being picky? They're being picky this time?
@daveangulo man, i love getting that from Z. so cool to hear. :)
@lisaqkitty Still worth rehersal! I thank @dgcohen23 and Jim Pollock for helping me with that.
RT @DaVinciDeb: Favorite Quote by Thomas Edison: Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
@lisaqkitty No need Lisa. You'll be fine. Just practice whatever it is you're going to say, out loud.
@MelissaHourigan I'd argue that doing things outside of normal is a great way to build character. Uncomfortable new things are icing.
@heyrich I can loan you Z's laptop if you'd like. It is a 17" G4 1.67Ghz, 2GB RAM. Perfect condition.
RT @n0s0ap: I'm always doing this by hand RT @chriscoyier: I launched a new simple site: HTML Ipsum
@Wingnut Dood. I was born in Tucson. It isn't bad as long as you stay in the foothills. Granted I haven't been there in, oh, 20 years? ;-)
RT @micah: Take that economy: Lijit is hiring:
@xbrowne Your Mac hates you for installing that on it.
There's an update @TorreyBelle. :) Click the Twhirl logo, then click update.
@DaveTaylor I'm not in that category. G=I have a good relationship with my father.
@bobmeetin It is how I use Google Reader too... star the item, then browse my starred items when I have some down time.
@franciscogonima Ours is a Spongebob house. Z plays with Diego and Dora on the innernets.


Matt Galligan Wayne Sutton Aaron Bailey Kevin Cawley Jason Calacanis Kelly Cookson Charley Hine Daniel Newman Veronica Belmont  C.C. Chapman Jeff Barr Alex King steve o'grady Chris Turner Devin Reams Kevin Rose Joel Longtine amber mac Aaron Brazell Scott Converse Katie Laird Rick Fu Adam Rubenstein Kit Seeborg Barack Obama Jim Turner David Cohen ari newman Andrew Maverick Hyde andrew wise Arron Kallenberg Kevin Menzie David Henderson Ken Brand Theron McCollough Goldie Katsu
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