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Quote of the season: "recession, repression, it's all the same thing man" Cheech from the Cheech & Chong Christmas
Why is it a good idea to encourage people to start buying cars again? They are having enough issues paying for everything already purchased
It is amazing that GM thinks anyone would want to buy any of their brands even saturn. A factory maybe, a brand, never.
it seems that FBs tactic is to make you login a few times in a row to prove that you aren't a bot, but if a bot had your password then...
apparently, in their attempt to catch the virus, FB has locked everything down, making it virtually unusable.
facebook is being a bit schizo today... randomly requiring re-logins
@mrgingold @sealikemind good morning all. what's on the likemind brains this AM in seattle?
@jowyang what about nokia? They have anything you like? Their products tend to be bulletproof in my experience
@mtlb I hope not, gas needs to rebound to above $3 to keep the US from returning to guzzling. Maybe a pegged gas tax would solve that tho
Joost iPhone only works on WiFi? WTF? what's the point then?
@mrgingold say hi to the likeminders. I'll be having my own at Simon's Marketplace in Chester CT...
On the train out of the city. A lot emptier & quieter than the last Thursday I rode out at this hour...
@dirkmshaw finding some good brews to warm you up? You back east again anytime soon?
@mrgingold that's what you actually look like? Who knew...
First play with street view Iphone while crossing town. Very cool.
wondering why people follow and then unfollow in less than a week...
Interested in seeing what sixapart does with pownce. MT integration of microblogging perhaps?
@abfdc drop me an email with more about issues you're having RE BusDir -- what pieces keep coming up short?
@abfdc @stacistringer RE post issues—My old DDB account is probably the base account that new accounts are based on. tweak settings in MT...
@mrgingold it was a lean mean fighting bird... tall & dense rather than short and round.


Wayne Sutton Andrew Crow Paul Terry Walhus Martin Hall David Crow BJ Cook Jason Calacanis randy stewart Victoria Bracknell Aldon Hynes Chris Brogan julien kristen crusius Justin Kownacki Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Dan York Doug Haslam Jim Long Jason Hoffman Mario Vellandi Kevin Cheng Jack Hodgson Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart russell Antonio Altamirano  C.C. Chapman Ben Lowery Brian Fling Robert Scoble Charles Edward Frith Mike Jolley Paul Isakson Stephen Collins Iain Tait
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