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May 5, 2004
(202) 225-1766
Photo: Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) and California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez meet with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and members of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation.
(May 5, 2004) Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) introduced California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez to members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. From left to right: U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor (D-4th/AZ); U.S. Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-28/TX) (Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus); Speaker Fabian Nunez; U.S. Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-34/CA); U.S. Rep. Joe Baca (D-43/CA); and U.S. Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-15/TX). Speaker Nunez and Congresswoman Roybal-Allard also met with members of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation. Following that meeting, Congresswoman Roybal-Allard said of Speaker Nunez: "It was important that Speaker Nunez came out to Washington, D.C. to discuss California issues and the state's budget needs with members of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation. Given the extremely tight budgetary constraints at both the state and federal level, it is critical that we work together to ensure that California does not lose precious federal resources that the state needs to address key funding priorities."

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Congresswoman Roybal-Allard
Washington, D.C., Office: 2330 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. Phone: (202) 225-1766. Fax: (202) 226-0350.
District Office: 255 E. Temple St., Ste. 1860, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3334. Phone: (213) 628-9230. Fax: (213) 628-8578.