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February 19, 2006
(202) 225-1766
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(February 19, 2006) Commerce, CA - Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard congratulates the Rio Hondo Boys and Girls Club and its Executive Director Robert Rubio (pictured right) at the club's annual fashion show luncheon for inspiring and enabling young people to realize their full potential. The luncheon, hosted at Steven's Steak and Seafood Restaurant in Commerce, is held annually to acknowledge the club's membership and supporters. The congresswoman serves on the club's board of advisors, an honorary role reserved for elected officials. Located in the City of Bell Gardens, the club has served more than 10,000 youth throughout southeast Los Angeles since its inception in 1961. The club offers a wide variety of activities to its members, including educational, career and fitness programs.

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Congresswoman Roybal-Allard
Washington, D.C., Office: 2330 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. Phone: (202) 225-1766. Fax: (202) 226-0350.
District Office: 255 E. Temple St., Ste. 1860, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3334. Phone: (213) 628-9230. Fax: (213) 628-8578.