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September 20, 2007
(202) 225-1766

The congresswoman speaks to educators about the importance of federal education funding.


Photo caption below.

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) gave the following remarks on September 20, 2007 at the Committee for Education Funding 2007 Legislative Conference. Founded in 1969, the Committee for Education Funding (CEF) and its 100 member organizations work toward the common goal of achieving adequate federal support for the nation's education system. Nonpartisan and nonprofit, CEF is America's largest education coalition, reflecting the broad spectrum of the education community.

“It is a pleasure to be here to participate in CEF’s legislative conference. 

“I commend CEF and its nearly one hundred members for 40 years of outstanding work in building consensus on education policy and for your dedicated efforts to secure critically needed education funding.

“As a member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, I assure you CEF’s advocacy is invaluable to ensuring that meaningful education programs are adequately funded. 

“For purposes of this morning’s presentation I have been asked to describe the role of education in “growing” the economy and in global competitiveness, and how federal funding of education can have an impact.

“This is a daunting task because any part of this topic can evoke a lengthy discussion.

“So permit me to start with the obvious and what you already know.

“Education plays a central role in growing our economy and keeping our country competitive in the world marketplace.

“Providing a quality education is essential to developing the highly skilled workforce that America needs to meet the many challenges threatening our nation’s standing in the world.

“Earlier this year, our declining ability to produce the workforce necessary to keep our nation competitive was highlighted in testimony before the Labor, HHS, and Education Subcommittee by Mr. Norm Augustine.

“Mr. Augustine is the lead author of the National Academy of Sciences report “Rising Above the Gathering Storm.”

“This report found that the [quote] “scientific and technical building blocks of our economic leadership are eroding at a time when many nations are gathering strength.” [end quote]

“Simply put, the message was that Congress can no longer afford to ignore our dysfunctional schools, the high drop out rate of our underserved high school students, and the inadequate investment in teachers and educational programs. 

“These elements are essential if we are to meet the needs of our nation’s diverse communities and the realities of the 21st Century. 

“As experts in the field of education, you know better than I the practical road blocks to providing a quality education to our children.

“Fewer learning opportunities in the pre-Kindergarten years or the inability to address the unique needs of English Language Learners are major roadblocks, particularly in areas such as the Los Angeles Unified School District, where opportunities for children to attend preschool are slim and nearly 40 percent of the student body is labeled “Limited English Proficient.”  

“Another key roadblock is our country’s lack of specialized teachers in key areas such as math and science.

“As you are well aware, for students to excel, they must be taught by teachers who are well trained in their field.

“A roadblock of particular importance to CEF is inadequate federal funding for meaningful and effective programs that enable our children to learn and become the scientists, engineers and mathematicians needed to create the new industries, technologies and jobs critical to our competitiveness and to the growth of our nation’s economy. 

“The Even Start Family Literacy Program, the Enhancing Education Through Technology Program, and the Perkins Technical and Vocational Education program are just a few of the programs with the potential to vastly improve student achievement while teaching 21st Century skills – yet all have suffered from funding cuts over the last few years.

“The good news is that, under our new leadership in Congress and with the continued support of the Committee for Education Funding, we have begun to reverse the trend of cutting the funding for key education programs.

“Federal funding in itself, however, is not enough. 

“In order to be effective, federal monies must be invested in programs proven to be effective, and they must be distributed based on need, not politics.

“We have an exciting opportunity with the reauthorization of the “No Child Left Behind Act” to improve our educational programs. 

“The Education and Labor Committee has recently included in NCLB the Achievement Through Technology and Innovation – or “ATTAIN” – Act of 2007.

“This bill, which I introduced this Congress with my colleague Rubén Hinojosa, will reauthorize the current “Enhancing Education Through Technology” program and empower teachers to effectively use technology to teach core academic subjects in the classroom.

“As we address these critical issues in education, it is important to note that we must address the other critical roadblocks to learning. 

“These include providing our children with access to dental and health care, and ensuring that they have adequate nutrition in order to stay alert and focused in school. 

“It also means reversing the anti-immigrant policies that are draining our country of historically hard working, ambitious immigrants who help to make our country the greatest in the world.

“To eliminate the roadblocks that will provide our children with a quality education and reverse the alarming decline in our nation’s ability to compete in the global economy, Congress must have the will to put students first. 

“This will happen only when the American public wakes up to the fact that we can no longer take our country’s success for granted and demands that their elected officials in Congress take the steps necessary to protect out leadership role in the world.

“By carrying this message to your membership, to corporate leaders, and to education stakeholders across the country, you can help create the political environment for positive change.

“And I encourage you to do so.

“Again, I thank you for your ongoing advocacy for education funding and for recognizing that every student has value and the potential to grow our nation’s economy and keep us competitive in the world marketplace.”

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Congresswoman Roybal-Allard
Washington, D.C., Office: 2330 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. Phone: (202) 225-1766. Fax: (202) 226-0350.
District Office: 255 E. Temple St., Ste. 1860, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3334. Phone: (213) 628-9230. Fax: (213) 628-8578.