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May 14, 2002

(202) 225-1766

California will receive $327.7 million more than President's budget

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard announced today that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Highway Funding Restoration Act, a bill which will restore $4.4 billion in highway funding that had been eliminated by President Bush's proposed budget.

"California commuters know how important it is for the federal government to adequately fund our nation's roadways," said Roybal-Allard. "We depend on our network of highways to travel to work, speed interstate commerce, and connect our ports to businesses throughout the state and the nation. Sufficient funding for the highways is critical to California's economic well-being."

The President's fiscal year 2003 budget for highways was based on gas tax revenues, which are kept in the highway trust fund. Because gas tax revenues were lower than expected, the President's budget created a $4.4 billion shortfall in highway funding.

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard and other members of the House Appropriations Committee worked with the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure to restore the $4.4 billion in funding.

"Restoring the necessary levels of highway funding will ensure that our interstate highway system continues to serve the interests of residents and businesses throughout our nation," said Roybal-Allard. "Under this agreement, California will receive $327.7 million above the President's initial budget request for highway funding. This money will support important programs like highway construction, maintenance, and repair - services that are crucial to Californians and Americans nationwide."

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Congresswoman Roybal-Allard
Washington, D.C., Office: 2330 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. Phone: (202) 225-1766. Fax: (202) 226-0350.
District Office: 255 E. Temple St., Ste. 1860, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3334. Phone: (213) 628-9230. Fax: (213) 628-8578.