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@louisvillecom no, but I'm sure it was close. If I lumped that into "food" that category may shoot to #1
Reviewing my 08 budget, my #3 expense after house and food was books. Maybe I have a problem.
GM sold 9.37 million vehicles worldwide in 2007 and lost $38.7 billion. Toyota sold 9.37 million vehicles in 2007 and made $17.1 billion.
that was yesterday's deep thought
The most precious gift one human can give another, I believe,is the gift of a third human, such as a prostitute or stripper... Jack Handey
My $AXP is back in the black. Sweet. Doesn't matter. I love this company and may hold it forever.
@chrisod Maybe it's because, as my wife says, I've had "old person" hobbies and interests since I was 19.
Yes, it's true. I'm 32 today. Thanks for all the shout outs
@earwood I vote for none of the above :-)
@davidfinch I hate when you enter all your information, then the rep asks for it all over again
$$ Anyone have an opinion on restoring the uptick rule?
Lamar's coach got a technical at Kentucky too.
@sabrinas I still have contacts in Melbourne, FL. It's an awesome, awesome place. And tomorrow it will be 73 degrees there.
I hate cold weather with a passion.
@andyswan maybe Obama can do something to bring down those high gas prices
@bdthomas probably... the audience is half female teeny boppers and half older guys who think sarah is hot
The optimist in me says 1000. The pessimist in me says 50.


brendan jackson Shanti Braford Ben Casnocha Eric Friedman sMoRTy71 Andy Swan Melanie Rosenthal Charlie O'Donnell David Finch Brendon Connelly Amanda Chapel Will Murphy Dane Carlson Todd Earwood Steven Heigl Fred Wilson Rob Sama Ben Thomas Mike Lutz Dharmesh Shah Michelle Jones Todd Sattersten Bobby Finstock Metro Mapper Thomas Nick Huhn Chris ODonnell howardlindzon Anita Campbell mochila jaygarmon Krista Neher Rick Collins Soren Macbeth Bill Dotson