IRM/General Government Division Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1994-96

IAP-95-8 March 1, 1995
Full Report (PDF, 11 pages)  


GAO provided information on its Information Resources Management--General Government Division issue area plan, focusing on: (1) the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) tax system modernization initiatives; (2) reducing the financial burden that illegal aliens place on federal programs; (3) the Customs Service's modernization efforts; and (4) reducing the risk of unauthorized access to government systems.

GAO plans to: (1) assess IRS progress toward developing a modernized tax administration system; (2) identify security needs in current systems that contain taxpayer data; (3) assess Customs' progress toward modernizing its systems; (4) improve domestic security by developing alternatives for identifying illegal and criminal aliens; (5) provide information to Congress on actions to ensure wiretapping capabilities; and (6) assess the effectiveness of the judicial branch's criminal debt collection system.