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Pro Tip: DNS doesn't propogate :)
i've had success with ruby ee this evening. i actually did more than install it) i'm not giving an official recommendation, but i'll use it
@smithk14 i hate to sound like a broken record: check out how sweet this is:
@smithk14 the smart alec answer is: "Have you actually used ActiveResource?" The real answer is HTTParty and rest client are easy to use.
@reillyhawk installs is one thing. the real question is how does it perform?
planning our inauguration schedule.
@peterc I'm more familiar with textile. But markdown is easier to package with a rails app
installing ruby ee on 64 bit. fail is most likely not far away
@rdempsey why use ActiveResource when httparty and rest-client are oh so much better?
snow ug...
@objo i love C-x 3 as well. but my finger memory has textmate
worked in emacs all morning. i still like textmate more these days. (i still miss those split windows though -- C-x 2 i miss you!!!)
downloading centos.
At my wife's work Christmas party. Kind of a quiet crowd.....
@amerine that is a pic of my friend @lessallen. they gave me this shirt back in February.
@hedron qs is way faster than a shell script (and better because it can launch shell scripts as well)
@technoweenie manhattan is fun. just do all the touristy things. empire state building, times square, the boat to ellis island.
someone explain to me why i would want to use launchbar over quicksilver
Foxnews never knows where that line is:


Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jerry Richardson Manton Reece Mr Messina jd Clarence Wooten J Chris Anderson Jim Remsik Jeremy Hubert John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Kyle Molly E. Holzschlag Steven A Bristol Lachlan Hardy Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Ivey Mike Vincent Svante Adermark Michael Koziarski techknow Doug March Snook Adam Keys Steve Smith Matt Webb Avi Bryant Wes Maldonado Ryan Carson bear David Ellen Nemesis Alex Payne Damien Tanner John Gruber
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