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@cdwillie76 thanks Chris, but I'm good to go...account is set up and I'll deploy some stuff to it this week.
Thanks all. Going to try DreamHost for a bit, see how it works out.
I need a cheap Rails host that runs Passenger. Any suggestions? I just want to deploy a simple, low-volume Rails app.
@coreyhaines I'm actually blogging at now and haven't had a chance to redo
whippin up some gravatar support in for the next release
finally upgraded to FF3 - yeah yeah, it's much better than FF2
feeling in the mood for christmas music - the Nightmare Before Christmas music! muwahaha
@mghaught is on twitter now. someone give that man an avatar and a background. :-)
FStream pretty much makes my iPhone the best device evah
@mwilliams dude, get a real city ;-)
@rdempsey hah! I'm #4 for Honolulu...nyah! ;-)
Why have both "Solutions" and "Products" in your nav bar? Are you subtly saying that your products aren't solving problems?
@mikepence after looking at the current I'll retract my statement
none of your magazines are safe when Alexander the Tearer is around
@faithfulgeek but blog posts have provided so much information that has helped me as a developer. twitter is transient.
so dirty yet so clean - a true paradox
Rocked the tests this morning. Confidence returning. got a nice mention on RWW yesterday along with mentions in various other places talking about .tel.


Blaine Cook Brian Oberkirch Tim Kersey Thor Muller Lachlan Hardy Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Adam Keys Alex Payne Imran Ali Bruce Williams Obie stueccles Bill de hOra Nathaniel Talbott Robert Johnson Jay Phillips Cris Pearson Josh Owens rick Chad Fowler Joshua Porter Seth Ladd c3 Jonathan Nelson Mike Levin Matthew Williams Darrin Eden Joe O'Brien Jason Seifer Bob Lee Dave Johnson Rails Jim Van Fleet Marcel Molina why the lucky stiff