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Golf on NBC is at the RubyConf resort. Those guys are doing better than I did, but they are scrambling too :).
Cleaning up code is like a tortilla for my soul.
@robbyrussell Couldn't hurt to put your vote in for that on the Sifter Get Satisfaction page.
@tobi did you give Sifter a look?
@brianoberkirch The great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from!
Errata: I want to learn to pack heat like an oven door in the literal sense, not the rap-jargon sense.
Probably going to Jelly at Big in Japan later today.
@bryanjbusch Krispy Kreme are neither crispy, nor cream. Discuss.
Where can I learn to pack heat like I'm the oven door?
@nicksieger That happened to me when I had my access point too close the mouse. WiFi and Bluetooth interfere with each other (GENIUS).
@dealingwith See also, "bikeshedding". Further, that button really is too small.
@dmn_cowboys Also, this is Twitter, not an ideal place to spew headlines that are more than 140 letters. Voice matters.
@dmn_cowboys I think I've read 10x more than I ever wanted to know about Barber's toe and what Adam Jones is doing.
Knut-haters to the left!
@twleung Haskell-style whizbangery is more my taste these days ;)


Evan Williams Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Manton Reece Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch J Chris Anderson Jeremy Hubert Blake Burris Jim Young Michael Buffington John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Jeff Corkran Bill Burcham l.m. orchard Jason Hoffman Matt Pelletier Geoffrey Grosenbach jef Mike Vincent alisha Jeremy Keith Michael Koziarski Heilemann Garrett Murray Leia Scofield Simon Willison Graeme Mathieson Leonard Matt Biddulph Scott Raymond Garrett Dimon David O'Hara Matt Webb Avi Bryant
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